Falling For You

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"Ow ... my head," said Yume. She was lying down, Subaru and Kanata were starring at her. "What happened?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news," said Subaru "Which do you want first?"

"Uh ... the good news?" Yume said

"We're almost at the train station!" said Subaru "It's just past these woods,"

"Yay! Then what's the bad news?"

"You were so excited you ran and had a big fall," said Kanata "That's putting it mildly. But long story short we think you sprained your ankle,"

"WHAT!?!" Yume started to stand up but then collapsed onto the ground "Ow! Ow!"

"Yeah that's not happening," said Kanata "Subaru, can you carry her to that rock so she can sit?"

"Sure," said Subaru and he carried her princess style over to the rock

"Yeah, I'm the princess of pain," Yume mumbled


Yume sighed "It really hurts,"

"Well it's not that bad," said Kanata "It should get better before the league,"

"That's good to hear," said Subaru

"Well there are some herbs that should help with the pain," said Kanata "I don't have any but they should grow around this area,"

"Perfect, I can go get them," said Subaru

"You don't even know what you're looking for," said Kanata

"Oh ... right,"

"I'll get the herb," said Kanata "In the mean time, do either of you have any cold water or ice to put on that ankle?"

"We have water type Pokemon," said Yume

"No you don't," said Subaru

"No, but you do,"

"Oh ... right," he repeated "I really got be more aware of these things,"

"So I'll get the herbs and you guys get a damp cloth, okay?" said Kanata


"Okay then,"


"Use Hydro Pump!" said Subaru as he held out a towel to his partner.


"Thanks," said Subaru, now soaking wet. He walked over to Yume and put the towel on her ankle. "There,"

"Thanks," said Yume as Subaru sat next to her

"You know, this reminds of the time we met Emolga," said Subaru

"It does?" Yume said

"Remember? You were in a tree, again, and you feel and - and I just realized why you don't remember,"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that part," said Yume "But why does this make you think of that?"

"You hit your head and I had to get you back to Kanata and so ..." Yume nodded, understanding. then Subaru laughed remembering something "You said something while knocked out. I was leaving, I don't remember why. Anyway, you just grabbed my hand and was like 'don't go' and I thought you woke up,"

"Hmm ... Hey I remember that part!" said Yume "I was having a dream, I think, if I can remember right,"

"So were you dreaming?" Subaru asked

"Yeah, I was," said Yume

"What was it about?"

Yume paused "You guys were leaving me,"

"Oh ..." said Subaru "Sorry,"

"It wasn't real," said Yume "We all dream weird stuff,"

"Heh, yeah," said Subaru "Uh, you know we would never do that to you in real life, right?"

"Of course," said Yume "You're my best friend, I can count on you for anything,"

"And I can count on you for anything," said Subaru. They smiled. "How did we start that thing? Where I'd say one thing and you'd say you'd do the same if I did,"

"I think we were about to battle," said Yume

"Right, from where we first met," said Subaru

"Or maybe it was after," said Yume "I can't remember,"

"But it was during that period of time," he said

"Yeah, we've changed a lot since then," she said "And I don't just mean our growth of trainers, I mean, I remember when I just wanted to get far away from you and Kanata. Now I can't really imagine being without you guys,"

"Me neither," said Subaru "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really glad you fell from that tree and landed on top of me," They laughed.

"This is why I love you ... guys," said Yume

"Yeah, me and Kanata," said Subaru

They avoided eye contact.

"You know my mom told me you shouldn't throw away the words 'I love you' around," said Yume "So ... the next time I say it it will be to someone I really, really love,"

"That sounds like a challenge," said Subaru

"It's not," said Yume "But I do love a challenge,"


"No! No, no, no! I want a redo!" she said with a laugh

"Fine then," said Subaru "By the way, can I be invited to your wedding with the challenges,"

Yume pushed him lightly ... he fell of the rock. "Are you okay?" she asked, smiling

"Yeah," he said "But you really got to know your strength,"

"I should,"

"And I should probably get that towel wet again," said Subaru "Do you mind?"

"Not at all,"

As Subaru was getting soaked with Hydro Pump again, Kanata came over. "I found it!" he said

"What happened to you?" Yume asked

Kanata sighed "It's a long story," he said "Let's just crush this plant and put it on your ankle,"

To Be Continued ...

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