If Only

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"Now we called this Mizuki person," said Mrs. Nijino the next morning to Yume and Kanata "It all checks out,"

"So it's real then?" Yume asked "She really trains trainers for battles and all that stuff?"

"Well not her personally," Mr Nijino explained "But yes, it's real,"

"I still don't know why Subaru gave his chance to me," said Kanata

"Cause he wanted us to stick together!" Yume told him "And we will, I'll see to that! Oh wait, we just got back ... Mom, Dad? Could we go to this training camp thing, whatever it is?"

"Are you kidding? Of course!" said Mrs. Nijino "If you two are going then we can go too!"


"It could be our first family vacation!" she explained "Oh! We should pack, we also need to book a flight -"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, please," said Mr. Nijino

"Um, well, we gotta go," said Yume

"You can't be leaving already!"

"No, we're hanging out with our friends today," Kanata explained "And so, we have to go and meet them,"

"Oh, right ... have fun!"


"I can't believe it still hasn't stopped raining," said Kanata as he and Ako walked down the streets with their umbrellas.

"I heard it will stop raining this afternoon," said Ako "I just hope it doesn't mess up with Ballad's concert, it's outside after all,"

He sighed "Let's just hope for the best," Kanata turned to Ako. "So ... what do you want to do on your last day at Luminous City?"

She shrugged "I don't know. I just like spending time with you,"

"Me too," Kanata replied, a little red in the cheeks.

"We could go to the park," Ako said "We could just ... walk and talk and whatever,"

"Sure, whatever,"

The two walked, and until they reached the park they didn't say much. That lasted until Kanata asked "So ... heard any good conversation starters lately?" And that one joke started a chain of conversations.

They talked for hours which they didn't even notice went by. They talked and walked and talked and walked ... while holding hands


This went on until they took shelter at the park gazebo.

"This has been the best last day ever," said Ako "I'm ... I'm really going to miss you,"

"It's not like we'll never see each other again," said Kanata

"But you'll be in another region! All the way in Alola! That's so far,"

"I know," Kanata looked into Ako's eyes. "But maybe you could come with me,"


"Come with me to Alola! We could still be together that way,"

"Kanata ..."

"I know it's a lot to ask, but you said you would give me a chance!"

"I do want to give you a chance," she told him "But Kanata ... I can't,"

CRASH! *the sound of Kanata's heart*

"I have responsibilities at the gym. I already closed it for too long after all the traveling I did this year. I can't just leave it, I'm the gym leader! And I have to act like it too. So ... I'm sorry," Ako pulled a smile "Kanata, I love you. I really do, and spending more time with you would make me so happy ... but I can't,"

Kanata sat down. "Are you okay?" Ako asked. He didn't respond, he just looked down. After a long time - who knows how long - Ako got a text on her phone. "I need to go. I'm ... I'm really sorry,"

Ako opened her umbrella and left. After a few more minutes Kanata left too, leaving his umbrella behind.


Kanata walked into the apartment, Yume was reading on the coach when she turned to him. "Whoa! What happened to you?" she asked

"Forgot my umbrella," said Kanata

"So how was your time with Ako?" Yume asked

"I'd rather not talk about it," he replied "What about you? How was your date with Subaru?" Yume made a strange face.

"Who's Subaru?"

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