A Fiery Meal

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"So are you a trainer too, Kanata?" Yume asked as the three of them walked thru the forest "Do you have a lot of Pokemon?"

"I have one Pokemon," he replied

"So you're a new trainer too?" Subaru asked

"No, I just have a Pokemon,"

"Can we see?" Yume asked



"Because ... what?"


Kanata rolled his eyes. "Fine, just stop bugging me," Kanata thru his poke ball into the air "Please come out before she annoys me to death,"

"How do you think I feel?" Subaru mumbled, Yume elbowed him just as Kanata's Pokemon appeared before them in a flash of light.

"Bulba! "

"It's a Bulbasaur!" squealed Yume "He's so cute!"

"A Bulbasaur huh?" Subaru took out his Pokedex and scanned the little Pokemon.

Bulbasaur, the seed Pokemon. Once it hatches, a Bulbasaur uses the seed on it's back for the nutrients it needs in order to grow.


"Aw, your Bulbasaur is so cute, Kanata," Yume said as she petted the Pokemon.

"I think you found your soulmate, Tomato," said Subaru

"It's Yume!" Yume turned to her partner "Do you think you two can be friends?"

"Chespin! " Chespin then hopped off Yume's shoulder and over to the seed Pokemon. "Ches! Chespin! "

"Bulbasaur! "

"Aw, they're friends!"

"Whatever," said Kanata "Hey, do you guys want to break for lunch here?"

"Yeah I could eat!" They said in unison before glaring at each other, both thinking they had come up with the idea themselves.


"Thanks for the food!" said Yume before digging into her lunch. "Yummy!"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," said Subaru

The three of them sat on a fallen over log while the Pokemon ate their lunch on the ground, all sharing a bowl. 

Chespin had to admit, this was the tastiest Pokemon food he had ever eaten, but it was not nearly as good as donuts. Were there donuts? Where were the donuts?! He really wanted donuts

"Done!" said Yume

"You shouldn't be eating that fast you know," said Kanata

"You know you two aren't my mother so you don't need to treat me like a kid," Yume reached into her bag then gasped. "AH!"

"What?" The boys asked

"I had a bag with chocolate chip cookies in it and they're gone!" Yume started digging thru her bag, still no sign of her precious cookies. "No, no, no, no!"

"Hey, Tomato, don't look now but I think I found your culprit," Subaru pointed up into a tree where a little Fennekin was snacking on cookies. And not just any cookies but YUME'S cookies.

"Hey!" cried Yume "Give those back!"

"Fenn! " said Fennekin before throwing the empty paper bag back at Yume.

"Why you ... CHESPIN! I choose you!"

"Chespin? "

"Yes now! Let's kick some Pokemon butt!" Chespin sighed, not eager to be stripped away from his meal, but listened to his trainer anyway. "Use Pin Missile!"

Chespin fired it's Pin Missiles but Fennekin dodged and landed on top of Subaru's head. "Use Pin Missile again!"

"No! Don't -"



Fennekin had once again dodged Chespin's Pin Missile and this time fired a Flamethrower at them. "CHESSSSS!!!! " shrieked Chespin with his tail a flame.

"Oh no! Chespin! Wait! Slow down!" Chespin ran around in a panic until Kanata dumped water over him, smothering the fire.

The Fennekin laughed, feeling very victorious. "You ..." And with that Yume thru a poke ball at it, not knowing what else to do. And then ...


"What ... did I do?" Yume asked

"You caught it, Tomato" said Subaru, Yume scowled at him.

"I ... caught it. I caught my first Pokemon!" she cried "We did it Chespin! Our first partner!"

"Ches ..." Chespin replied, still shocked from the current event. He was never on fire before and this experience was very unpleasant to say the least.

"I caught a Fennekin! I caught a Fennekin!" Yume cheered "Fennekin come on out!" A flash of light her new partner was right before her "We're going to have so much fun together, trust me!"

"Fennekin! " Fennekin huffed un-approvingly. She did not know who this strange human was, or what that strange contraption was, but having to spend every moment with this band of strangers was no joy to her.

"I could make more cookies for all of us to share when we get to the next Pokemon Center!"

Cookies? As in those treats Fennekin was eating just earlier? Those were amazing! With the melted chocolate and chewy cookie dough. She could stand to be around them if it meant more of those.

"Fennekin! "

"Sure, bribery, start a relationship like that with your Pokemon," said Kanata

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