Yume vs. Laura

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"This sure gets me going," said Laura "Can't wait to beat you and then become Kalos Queen!"

"(Now I know how Kokone feels)" Yume mumbled



The stage went dark then a spotlight shone over Yume. "Alright Deino use Dragon Rage and Braixen use Flamethrower!" The two moves collided then turned into flying sparks that danced with the music. "Now use Head Butt, Deino! Braixen, help him out with Psychic!"

"Braixen! " Braixen lifted Deino in the air with Psychic and he charged at the lights, turning them into sparkles.

"Deino! " Once he landed, they bowed and the crowd cheered.

The stage went dark again then the spotlight was on Laura. "Lucario use Bone Rush and Meowstic, Confuse Ray!" Lucario used Bone Rush then snapped it in half and started using the two bones as drums he used on the ground. Meowstic's confuse Ray created and awesome background. When Lucario finished his drum roll, the bones and Confuse Ray vanished into sparkles and they all posed. The crowd cheered loudly.

The lights were on and they got ready for the final appeal. "Use Aura Sphere and Energy Ball!" said Laura



"Use Dragon Rage and Fire Blast!" Braixen and Deino aimed for the sky then ... 


A huge firework with a rainbow of colors. The crowd cheered.

"Time for the voting!" Pierre called

As the lights poured into their charms, Laura looked at Yume, Yume didn't notice. Once the lights stopped Laura sighed.

"The winner is ... Performer Yume!" Yume beamed.

"Thank you. Thank you everyone!"

Laura sighed. Then started to walk away.

"Thank - Laura? Hey Laura where are you going?" Yume asked

"You beat me fair a square," she said "I don't have any reason to be here anymore,"

"Don't you want to stay and watch,"

"Not really," she admitted

"Oh ... well ... see you around?"

"Count on it,"


Another performer leaves Gloire City after another short part, but hopefully more exciting adventures lay right around the corner.

"Next Ladies and Gentlemen," said Pierre "We have the most exciting Semi-Finals! After long battles of elegance we give you Yume vs. Aria!"



Laura took one last look at the castle and chuckled. "You're just like Tori," she said

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