This is Us!

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*Yes I've heard of IT, I don't like it but I like the title*

Day 3 of Pokémon Summer Camp

"Hey guys watch this!" said Asahi at Breakfast "I'm gonna slam this spoon which will fire the cheerios into my mouth!"

"Please don't," said Mahiru

"FIRE!" Asahi slammed his fist onto the spoon and only three cheerios made it into his mouth. And he choked on them.

"Stand back!" cried Laura "I know how to help!" Laura then punched Asahi in the stomach and he coughed out the cereal. "Your welcome,"

"You saved my life!" Asahi cried in between coughs.

"It was nothing," Laura looked over at Subaru. "Hey! Your friend nearly died and I saved his life! Aren't you going to say anything about it,"

"Oh you were great!" said Yume

"Thanks for saving my brother," added Mahiru

"Go Laura," said Kanata

"Not you three, Yuki over there!"

"Huh?" said Subaru

"Where were you?" Mahiru asked

"No where just ... just no where,"

"Were you thinking of something crazy?" Yume asked "Cause I had a dream once where I ate a giant pillow and when I woke up someone stole all my marshmallows and I had a really bad tummy ache,"

"Uh ... No,"

"Attention everyone!" said Professor Sycamore "I'm here with the annulment of today's big event!"

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"Attention everyone!" said Professor Sycamore "I'm here with the annulment of today's big event!"

"Oh I wonder what it is?" Kanata asked sarcastically under his breath.

"Today, each team will be making a Poke Vision Video!"

"Poke Vision?" said Yume "Did we make a Poke Vision video yet?"

"Nope," said Subaru as he looked at the past parts.

"You will have access to the camp's resource room for supplies for your room," he continued "However the location of your video is your job, it can be anywhere in the camp limits," After going over a few more rules about it, the teams went to their cabins to discuss business.


"Hey Kanata! ~" said Yume as she did a close up of Kanata's face with the camera they were given. "I see you,"

"What do you want, a cookie?" said Kanata as he pushed the camera away from him.

"We need to focus on the actual video, Tomato," said Subaru as the camera only got shots of his eyes since it was so close up.

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