I Can Do It

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"It will be a one on one battle agents Tsubasa the gym leader and Subaru the challenger!" said the judge "There will be no substitutions,"

"Swoobat! It's battling time!" said Tsubasa as she called out her partner.

"SWOO-bat! "

"Fletchling I need you!" said Subaru as he called out his partner.

"Fletch! Fletchling! "

"Battle Begin!"

"Fletchling use Flame Charge!" Fletchling was soon engulfed in flames and started charging at Swoobat thru the hoops hanging in the air. (You know it being a Flying Type Gym)

"Air Slash," said Tsubasa

Swoobat slashed it's wings and suddenly Fletchling was knocked onto one of the hoops. "Hold on Fletchling and use Feather Dance!" Fletchling flew above Swoobat and started to use Feather Dance.

"Use Gust," Swoobat followed Tsubasa's orders and blew away the Feather Dance and blew Fletchling away too. "Now use Steel Wing!" Swoobat flew up and used Steel Wing on Fletchling. A direct hit.

"Oh no," Yume cried

"Fletchling, get yourself together and use Peck," Fletchling quickly did what Subaru said and started charging at Swoobat with a bright glowing beak.

"Dodge it," With little effort Swoobat avoided damage "Now use Attract!"

"Oh no," Subaru muttered as hearts surrounded Fletchling. "Why is it always you?"

"It's Punishment Time!" Tsubasa cried "Use Quick Attack!" Swoobat charged at Fletchling with great speed and ...

The battle was over.

"Fletchling is unable to battle!" said the judge "So the match goes to the gym leader Tsubasa!"

"Oh no," said Yume

"Well done Swoobat," Tsubasa told her partner "You deserve a good rest. Return,"

"Guess I don't get my badge this time," Subaru said to himself " Return Fletchling, you did great,"

"So, Nijino," Tsubasa said, turning her attention to Yume "Shall we have our battle tomorrow morning?"

"I, uh, yeah," she replied, Tsubasa nodded in reply then started to walk away. "BUT I HAVE CONDITION,"

Tsubasa stopped in her tracks. "And, may I ask, is that?"

"You have to let Subaru battle with me!"

Tsubasa turned and faced Yume. "Battle with you? Who ever heard of such a thing?"

"Believe it or not four other gyms let them do it," said Kanata

"Well this isn't just another gym it's the Laverre City gym, it's my gym! And what if I say I want to battle you alone?"

"Then ... then we'll go to another gym the accepts a double gym battle. All I'm asking is that you let me battle with Subaru or not at all,"

"I thought you wanted a badge from me?"

"I do! But I'm not taking one alone!"

Tsubasa starred at Yume for a while. It felt like hours before she finally broke into a smile and said "Fine, have it your way," Tsubasa chuckled "I'll battle you with your friend tomorrow morning. See you then," Tsubasa turned then left and Yume took in a great sigh of relief.

"I was afraid she'd say no," said Yume

"Clearly," said Kanata

"Why did you do it?" Subaru asked

"Cause you're my friend, it's how I roll,"

"Yeah, great way of making us look bad," Kanata joked "When do we get the chance to show we're awesome?"

"You! You mean when do you get to show that you're awesome, we all know that I'm amazing," said Subaru

"Yeah your battle today proved that point to a T,"


"Alright we need a plan," Subaru said as the three of them were in their room in the Pokemon Center "I underestimated Tsubasa once and I'm not doing it again. She's smart and uses moves to block attacks instead of dodging, so how do we defect it,"

"Well what if we combine our moves, those are pretty powerful," Yume sugjested

"Power moves won't work," said Kanata "What you need is a strategy, you need to create a situation Tsubasa won't see coming,"

"Hm ... I got it!" cried Subaru


"It's perfect!" said Yume "We could win this!"

"Of course you can," said Kanata "You two never loose a battle,"

"Uh ..." said Subaru

"I meant together, stupid,"

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