A Fairy Elite

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"Hey Mom! Hey Dad!" said Yume as she called her parents after the three stopped in a Pokémon Center in the forest. Why do they even have those in the middle of the forest? Sure they're using them now but how often does it happen? And what if you need to go shopping for herbs or medicine? Then what happens?!!! Or a fire! How long will it take the fire department to get there? You know what I'm done.

"Hello Yume!" Yume's Mom replied on the holographic screen "How has your journey been?"

"We saw your performances on TV," said Mr. Nijino "They weren't half bad,"

"Thanks. Well my journey has been great! I got my first Princess Key and I have four Pokémon. Oh yeah! And I got my third gym badge!"

"So you've been doing alright on your own?" her mother asked

"Oh ... um ... about that -"

"Alone!?!" said Subaru "She's been traveling with us since she left Luminous City!"

"Subaru!" Yume hissed

"Oh, sorry am I interrupting?"

"Who is this?" her father asked

Yume wanted to shrink and disappear for a while. "Mom, Dad, these are my friends: Subaru and Kanata. They've been traveling with me on my journey,"

"Oh, so you haven't been traveling alone," said Mr. Nijino "I told you shouldn't been alone on a journey this big. But you wanted to be alone and I respected that ... guess you didn't make it very far on your own,"

Yume wanted to die "Dad! "

"Well it's nice to meet you two!" said Mrs. Nijino, saving Yume in her time of peril

"You too I guess," said Kanata

"So are you Pokémon trainers too?" she asked

"Well I am," said Subaru "Kanata isn't he's just ... well he travels with us. But I also have three badges, we battle together for gym badges,"

"Together? Are you two -"

"NO!" They said in unison

Yume wanted to disappear into the floor and die. Die. DIE!!!

"Oh, okay, I can take the hint," said Mrs. Nijino "Sorry f I was prying,"

"No worries," said Kanata "Bye,"

"No, wait!"

Kanata hung up for Yume. "Your welcome,"

"Thank you,"

"Your parents are ..." said Subaru

"Yeah I know," Yume cupped her hands over her mouth and took a deep breath. "Ugh, please never mention that again,"

"You mean like the Rainbow Festival or what ever it was?" said Kanata

"Yes!" They replied in unison

"Hello!!" boomed a voice as a girl entered the center "Jenny! My Pokémon need their daily check-up!"

"Right away," said Nurse Joy as she took the girls poke balls.

When the girl looked at them she smiled then waved. They waved back. "Yume! Subaru! Kanata! Your Pokémon are done with their check-up!"

The three walked over to the desk. "Thank you!" They said.

"Alright everyone come out!" said Yume

"Ches! "

"Fenn! "

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