Yume vs. Aria

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"This is so exciting!!" cried Maria "The semi-finals! And it's Yume vs. Aria!"

"They're both great performers," said Subaru "But Yume will win,"

"Hello? Have you even met Aria?" said Maria "She is the picture of elegance!"

"Calm down Maria," said Rei "As they say, may the best performer win,"

"But Aria is the best!"

"Now Maria," said Nozomu "It wouldn't be fair to take sides with our friends (no matter how right you are)"

"Heard that," said Kanata

"And trust me, Yume will win," said Subaru


'Aria'  Yume thought 'My first performing friend and rival and it's come to this: Facing agents each other at the semi-finals of the Master Class. She beat me back when we first performed, but I won't let it happen again'

Aria turned to Yume. "You'll give it you're all?"

"Did you expect anything less?" Yume replied

The stage went dark and when the spotlight shone on Aria, the battle had begun. "Floette use Petal Dance and Leafeon use Grass Whistle," Beautiful pink flower petals swirled around the three of them danced to Leafeon's song. It created a beautiful aura as if Aria was a real fairy. "Now double Moonblast!"

"Leafeon! "

"Floette! "

The two Moonblast collided and showered them in sparkles, the crowd cheered. The spotlight changed from Aria to Yume.

"Togekiss use Aura Sphere!" said Yume, Togekiss shot a shining blue ball of light into the sky (technically it was the ceiling but whatever). "Now Emolga use Sweet Kiss!"  Emolga unleashed a heart that collided with the Aura Sphere sending heart shaped bubbles around them. They danced. "Now let's finish it off, Togekiss use Moonblast and Emolga use Thunder Shock!"

"To-Kiss! "

"Emolga! "

Togekiss shot her Moonblast and Emolga then shot her Thunder Shock at it. And sparkles didn't rain down on them, this time it was a rain of sparkle. It vanished as they took a bow.

The lights were switched on and they got ready for their finale.

"Leafeon use Energy Ball and Floette use Petal Blizzard!" said Aria Leafeon used Energy Ball and Floette used Petal Blizzard, the moves soon showered them in flowers.

"Togekiss use Moonblast and I want lots! Then Emolga use Thunder Shock!" Togekiss shot out Moonblast and Emolga turned them into fireworks.

"Wonderful!" said Pierre "But alas there can be but one winner. Now Pokemon lovers, light up your glow-casters and cast your vote! Un, deux, trois!" Purple and Pink lights flew into their charms.

"And the winner is ...


"Performer Yume!" Yume beamed.


"Togekiss! "

"Emolga! "

"We did it guys! We're going to the final round of the master class!"

"And you deserve it too," said Aria. Yume looked at Aria, she looked like she wasn't trying to cry. "I can't wait to see how you do in the end,"

"Aria ..." Aria wrapped her arms around Yume.

"I'm happy for you, I'm just .... really, really, really sad at the same time,"

"Oh Aria,"


"Aria ..." said Maria "She didn't win,"

"I think she was amazing," said Nozomu

"They both were," said Subaru

"Now Yume has only one hurtle left to becoming Kalos Queen," said Rei

"Right," said Kanata "Hime,"

As this battle ends another is rising to the surface. Will Yume be able to defeat the Kalos Queen Hime? Will Aria stay to watch? And Will I stop asking all these questions that you don't know? We'll see next time as the story continues ...

To Be Continued ...

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