Old Wounds

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"We're here! We're here! We're here!" said Yume as the three friends entered Shalour City "We're finally here!"

"We know," said Kanata

"But now that we're here we can battle the gym leader - who hopefully isn't nutty - and then earn our third badge!" said Subaru

"Yep! And with Emolga and Togetic joining our team, we can't loose!" Subaru sighed "What is it?"

"Well, I don't mean to sound like a kid, but I would have loved to have gotten a new Pokémon too you know,"

"Oh ... I'm sorry. But Froakie and Pachirisu are still great partners!"

"They are," Subaru agreed "But With you having twice as many Pokémon as me I feel like I'm falling behind,"

Yume opened her mouth to say something but looked past Subaru and saw a girl trip with bags and boxes that used to be in her hands but were now scattered all over the ground. "Excuse me," she said as she went over to the girl "Need help?"

"Thank you," she said as Yume started collecting her packages.

"You sure did a lot of shopping ," Yume said as she gave the girl her last bag.

"Yeah, I went a little over board at this sale at my favorite store,"

"Do you want me to help you carry this stuff for you?" Yume asked

"We could help," added Kanata as he and Subaru walked over

"Oh no I couldn't ask you to do that," said the girl

"Are you taking this stuff to your house?" Subaru asked, the girl nodded "Do you live far?"

"W-well ... no -"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem,"

"But I couldn't ask you to -"

"You're not asking! We're volunteering!" Yume said with a smile

"Thank you," she said "I'm Mahiru,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yume,"

"Mahiru ..." Subaru mumbled "That sounds familiar,"

"Is something wrong?" Yume asked

"Huh? No. Let's just get this stuff to your house, Mahiru,"


"And this is my house!" Mahiru said as she showed the three her house.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" said Yume "Much larger then my apartment,"

"And that symbol," said Kanata "Is your ... this is ... We're at the Shalour City Gym!"

"We are?" Subaru and Yume said together

"Yes! Mahiru, are you the gym leader?"

"No," Mahiru told him "I actually live here with my brother and sister,"

"You have an older brother and sister?" Subaru cried

"How did you know they were older then me?" Mahiru asked

"Are you okay, Subaru?" Yume asked "You look pale,"

"I-I-I'm fine," he sputtered "I just need ... fresh air,"

"We're outside," said Kanata

"I need fresher air then!"

But before Subaru could go anywhere, his worst fear had opened the door. "Subaru?" said a boy at the door.

"Um ... hey?" he said, the boy beamed

"It's really you!" The boy ran over and hugged Subaru causing him to drop the bag he was holding for Mahiru.

"Uh ... who is this?" Yume asked

"Hey! Are you Subaru's friends?" Yume and Kanata nodded "That's awesome! Great to meet you! I'm Asahi, Subaru's old friend,"

"Hello?" Kanata said

"Wait, he's Subaru?" said Mahiru "B-but ... what ...where? HUH?!?"

"Now how do you know him?" Kanata asked "Do you know his music,"

"Now his music?" said Asahi "I am his music!"


"Yume, Kanata," said Subaru "Meet my fellow unit member, Kasumi Asahi,"



"It's so great to see you again!" said Asahi "Did you come here to get the unit back together?"

Subaru huffed "No. I just came here for gym badge,"

"We," Yume corrected

"So you three are traveling together?" Mahiru asked

"Yep," said Yume "Subaru and me are Pokémon trainers, but I'm also a Pokémon performer,"

"Oh, then maybe Yozora will know you," said Mahiru "She's really into Pokémon showcases, maybe she saw you in one,"

"Wow! A gym leader watching me performer!"

"Where is she, by the way?" Subaru asked "Cause it would be nice to finally start the battle,"

"Dude, don't be rude," Kanata hissed

"Yeah!" Asahi said, hearing Kanata's comment "It's me! Your old bud! Asahi! We were friends! We were rock stars!"

"And then you gave it all up and me with it!" said Subaru "You made your choice when you fell for that girl!"

"Doesn't time heal old wounds? Can't we forget about that, it was a year ago!"

"Well time didn't do as good as a job as you'd hoped!" Subaru started to leave but as he was about to exit another girl entered the room. "Excuse me," he said, and he was gone.

"Who was that?" the girl asked

"Subaru," Asahi and Mahiru said in unison, she gasped

"Really?!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! After all this time!"

"Um, Yozora, you have a challenger," said Mahiru pointing to Yume

"Oh yes of course," she said "Hello! I'm Yozora, the Shalour City gym leader! And you are ...?"

"Oh! I'm Yume and this is Kanata. We're friends of Subaru's,"

"Well it's nice to meet you, Yume, Kanata!" said Yozora as she shook their hands

"You too," They said

"So you're here to earn a badge?" Yozora asked, Yume nodded "Well then you're in luck! Cause will give you a battle not to be forgotten!"

"Um ... okay," Yume said "But  never battled without Subaru,"

"Never?" said Mahiru

"Well ... only for gym battles,"

"Guess this is your first gym battle on your own then!" said Asahi

"So it's this way to the battle field!" said Yozora

"I ... uh ... okay," Yume started to follow Yozora to the battle field, as she did she looked at the door where Subaru had escaped. "No,"


"I ... I can't do this," Yume started to take off.

"Not again!" cried Mahiru "How many people are going to run off?"

"I'll go after her," said Asahi

"No, no you won't," said Kanata "She'll be back. They both will,"

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