Yume Vs. Akari

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Yume looked at her keys, each one bringing up a lot of old memories. Some bitter and others sweet.

"My first key ..."


That night, Yume didn't sleep much. She thought a walk would help clear her thoughts so she went out to the Poke center's battle field. She thought about her performance.

The hoop blew up, Chespin could have really gotten hurt or worse. "I'm a failure!" Yume broke down into tears. "I can't perform! I can't do anything right!"

 "it's not the end of the world! I messed up so I need to try again and again and again!"  


"And the winner is ... Performer Yume!"


"We did it guys! We did it! You were both so amazing! I'm so glad you're my partners, this is the greatest day ever!"  

~~Flashback End~~

"Then my second key ..."

~~Another Flashback~~

A rainbow of lights floated into each of their charms. "Please, please, please!" Yume whispered "Please!"

"And the winning performer is ... Performer Yume!"

"I won ... we Did It!"

~~Flashback End~~

"Then ... my last key ..."

~~Flashback *AGAIN*~~

"Cut me off instead!"

"Do you think I made the right choice?" Yume asked

"The right choice? Of course you did," said Kanata "I mean, you're heart is too big for your own good -"

"But you still did what you should have done," said Subaru "Like you always do, Tomato,"


Suddenly a bright spotlight shone on her. "Performer Yume!"


"Braixen! Braixen! "

"Quilladin! "

"Emolga! "

Her Pokemon hugged her "We did it ... We did it!!! We're going to the master class!"

~~Flashback End~~

"Each key is a sign of my victory. Each one brings me closer to my dream. And I am not going down now,"

"Quilladin! "

Yume smiled. "Let's go!"


Yume and Akari rose onto the stage with their partners, the crowd went wild. "We never really got to face off agents each other at the showcase last time," said Akari

"I know," said Yume

"I hope I win,"

"I know I'll win,"

The stage went dark then a spotlight shone over Akari. She smiled. "Slurpuff use Cotton Spore!"

"Slurpuff! "

Puffs of cotton candy like clouds flew into the air. "Now Fairy Wind!" They spun and shone now with Fairy Wind. Akari and Slurpuff danced in the center of it. "Now use Attract!" Slurpuff winked and hearts turned the Cotton Spore into sparkles, the hearts floated around the audience for a while then also turned into sparkles. The crowd cheered as Akari took a bow.

The stage went dark again and a spotlight shone on Yume. "Quilladin use Grassy Terrain!" 

"Din! "

The stage started to glow green. "Now use Energy Ball!" Quilladin slammed the Energy Ball onto the stage and everything started glowing and shining. Yume and Quilladin. "Now use Pin Missile!" Quilladin shot his Pin Missile and the fireworks came out in the shape of hearts and stars. The crowd cheered and Yume took a bow.

Suddenly the entire stage was flooding with light. It was time for the final appeal. "Use Moonblast!" said Akari

"Use Seed Bomb!" said Yume

The Moonblast let sparkles rain down on Akari and Slurpuff. Seed Bomb sent fireworks out to the audience.

"Wonderful!" said Pierre "Now members of audience, and even those at home, light up and cast your votes! Un ... deux ... trois! 

Blue and pink lights flew into the girls charms, they prayed for them to be chosen. "And the winner is ... Performer Yume!"

Yume gasped "Yes! Yes!" she hugged Quilladin "We did it!"

"Din! Din! "

"Congratulations," said Akari 

"Akari," said Yume

"You know, I knew you were lying,"


"When you said I could have beaten you, I knew you were lying. I never stood a chance,"

"Oh Akari,"

Akari sniffed. "You'll win for me right?"

"Yes," said Yume "I will," They shook hands and the audience cheered.


Akari leaves Gloire City with motivation and sadness and joy all in one. And as her journey continues, the journey also goes on for our heroes.

"Up next Pokemon lovers," said Pierre "We have Aria vs. Laura!"

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