A Hello & Goodbye

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As our heroes start their journey to Anistar City, they come across a town that's very ... well, in a word -

"Green," said Kanata "Green everywhere you look! What is this? The Emerald City?"

"Nope, Vert Town!" Subaru replied

"I like it," said Yume before sniffing the air "And it smells like flowers!"


"Hey!" said a familiar voice "I thought I recognized you three!" They turned and saw a familiar girl in a truck.

"Mikuru!" They cried in unison

"Hey guys! Where's the rest of your posy?"

"Their semi-regulars," said Subaru "You actually remember us?"

"Yeah, how could I forget? You're the only ones who challenged me to a double battle," Mikuru got out of her car. "Anyway, I'm going to be a judge at the greenery competition here,"

"Gogoat! " whaled a Pokemon attached to a kart in the back of the car.

"Oh relax you old coot, I'm coming," Mikuru let the old Pokemon out of the back.

"Why don't you just put him in his poke ball?" Yume asked

"He prefers to be out doors at all times," Mikuru answered "Besides, Grandfather never put him in his ball, why should I?"

Subaru shrugged "Don't I guess," he said "Hey, mind if we join you while we're here?"

"Not at all!" Mikuru replied "I might need the company,"

"But you have Gogoat," said Yume as she stroked the Pokémon's fur.

"For now ..."


"Oh, forget I said anything. Come on! Let's go judge some plants!"

"We're not judges," said Kanata

"Then I'll go judge while you guys watch me,"



The three friends followed Mikuru and Gogoat through the competition admiring the different displays of flowers.

"They're all so beautiful," said Yume

"They're all flowers," said Kanata

"How long does it take to arrange these?" Subaru wondered

"A LONG time," said Mikuru "It took me a year to do mine,"

"You entered in the contest?" Yume asked

"Yep! Six years I ago I won second place," said Mikuru "My grandfather judged and I told him not to make me win because I was his granddaughter. I didn't, I couldn't have been happier ... he died three days after,"

"I'm so sorry," said Kanata

Mikuru smiled at them. "It was a long time ago, I'm over it," She stroked Gogoat's horns "Now come on, we have a lot of other displays to admire,"

Three friends turned to each other.

"There is something she is not telling us," Kanata whispered

"Yeah," Subaru whispered back "Should we ask,"

"No!" Yume hissed "Let's just ... give it time,"

"How much time?" Subaru asked

"Um ... after the contest,"

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