Let Me Show You ...

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"AAAHHH!!!" Yume screamed happily "WE MADE IT!!!"

"Quilladin-din! "

"Can you believe we made it?"

"What's that?" said Kanata "Sorry I can't hear out of my right ear anymore, could you speak up?"

"Haha, very funny," Yume smiled didn't fade. "I'm so glad we're finally in Couriway Town!"

"We couldn't tell," said Subaru

"Excuse me!" called an unfamiliar voice, a girl with red hair and pink eyes ran over with a medium sized Pokemon trailing behind her. "Have you seen my Pokemon?"

"Yeah, right behind you," said Kanata, the girl turned then sighed.

"Not that Pokemon! My Lillipup! He's about this big, has a little pink collar around his neck and has the sweetest voice you ever heard. Have you seen him?"

"Sorry, we haven't," said Subaru

The Pokemon on the girls side: Slurpuff.

"Slurpuff, the Meringue Pokemon. It can distinguish the faintest of scents. It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work."

"Lillipup, the Puppy Pokemon. Though it is a very brave Pokémon, it's also smart enough to check its foe's strength and avoid battle."

"We're suppose to perform in a few hours and I can't find him anywhere," said the girl, beginning to cry. "I'm really worried and scared for him ..." Yume put her arm around the girl.

"Don't worry ... name please?"


"Don't worry Akari! We'll help you find your Lillipup! And I got a few Pokemon who can help!" Yume took out her poke balls "Emolga! Togetic! Come on out!"

"Emo! "

"Toge! "

"Go search the skies for Akari's Lillipup!"

"Emolga! "

"Togetic! "

The two Pokemon took off and Akari starred at Yume. "Why are you helping me?" she asked "You don't know me,"

"That's just how she is," said Subaru "Let her be,"

"Now come on guys!" said Yume "We have only a couple of hours before the showcase so we gotta find that Lillipup fast! Let's go!"


"Lillipup!" Yume called

"Lillipup!" called Akari

"Quilladin! "

"Slurpuff-puff! "

The four of them had decided to split up in search for Lillipup. The guys and girl looked into different directions.

"Lillipup!" Akari called "Where are you?"

"What are you guys doing?" Laura asked

"We're looking for her Lillipup," said Yume "Hey you haven't seen ... Laura!"


"Cario! "

"You know her?" Akari asked

"Yeah, Akari this is my performing friend and rival Laura, Laura this is Akari,"


"Nice to meet ya," Laura turned back to Yume. "So you're looking for a missing Lillipup?"

"Have you seen him?" Akari asked

"As a matter of fact ... No,"


"But I'll help you look,"

As they started to call Lillipup's name some more and search for him, Yume asked Laura. "Hey what are you doing here anyway, you already have three keys,"

"I do, that's why I came here to see you!"


"Lillipup!" Subaru called

"Lillipup!" Kanata called

"Greninja! "

"Helioptile! "

"I can't believe her sometimes," said Kanata


"Yes! Why does she have to drag us into her good deeds?" Kanata wondered "I would have been happy just waiting in our room for the showcase,"

"Meh, it's just what she does," Subaru said with a shrug

"That's another thing! You keep letting her off too easy,"

"No I don't,"

"I guess you're going to say the same thing about your crush on her,"

"No ... NO I DON'T!"

"Called it,"

"I don't have a crush on her," Subaru told him "I mean, I thought I did for a while but I saw the light. I only like her as a friend, and she thinks the same about me,"


"I don't want to ask he rout now or later in the future,"


"It would be too weird,"

"Alright, and while you were ranting I found that girl's Lillipup,"

"Pup! "

"Oh ..."

"Yeah you gotta learn when to shut up,"


"We've arrived Ms. Shiratori,"

"Thank you. Finally ... show me your power Nijino Yume,"

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