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Everyone, I just need to say something about mixing Aikatsu and Pokemon together and why it's a great idea. I don't mean to brag, no, it's so un-princely, but often in FanFictions the stereotype that Yume isn't that bright always seems to fall in somewhere.

Don't get me wrong, reading fanfictions is fun and I love to read YOUR fanfictions but ... I just really don't like it when Yume is shown as dumb, because really she isn't dumb in the slightest and I hate that she's being shown like that.

Now in Pokemon you need to be smart and on your toes, so this gives me the chance to give Yume a chance to use the brains everyone is forgetting about.

Last Time on Pokemon x Aikatsu Stars:

After defeating Raichi in a heated battle, Yume moved onto the final round of the Kalos League with Subaru and both of them were ready to live out their dream to battle the other in the finals. Now the question on everyone's mind: Who will win?

"Chesnaught I choose you!" said Yume

"Naught! "

"Greninja I choose you!" said Subaru

"Ninja! "

"Well this brings back memories," said Kanata

"What do you mean?" Asahi asked

"A few months ago they had their first battle, back when we all first met,"


"It's a battle between this girl and this boy," said Kanata

"It's Subaru vs. Tomato!" said Subaru

"My name is Yume!" said Yume

"Whatever. Battle begin,"


"Wow, and now look!" said Aria "They grew so much, didn't they?"

"We all did," said Ako

"So who won?" Rin asked


"Who won the battle when they first met?"

"Um ... neither," Kanata told them "They battle sometimes but ... there's never really been a winner,"

"Oh my," said Yozora "Now I'm even more excited!"


"Looks like she made to the final round," said Juri from the Elite Four's privet box "Muy bien,"

"We'll see how far she goes," said Kirara

"They're both strong," said Yurika

"But it's like they're one person," Sakura added "The battle could go either way,"

"Well ... we'll see,"


"Battle Begin!"

At that moment, Yume and Subaru were thinking the same thing: They were going to have the first move.

"Use Pin Missile, Chesnaught!"

"Use Water Pulse!"

The moves collided and the battle field was covered in smoke.

"Use Rollout, Chesnaught!" said Yume

Chesnaught rolled quickly from the smoke at Greninja.

"Dodge it!" said Subaru

Pokémon x Aikatsu StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon