Not a Date

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"You know we should have bought umbrellas somewhere on our journey," said Subaru "I mean, how many rain storms had we gotten into?"

Yume thought about it "A few ..." she said "But at least we have umbrellas now! So we can hangout without getting wet!" Yume splashed an umbrella, proving herself wrong. "Oops, sorry,"

Subaru sighed and squished in his shoes. "It's fine, it's not like this is the first time I got dirty cause of you,"

"Well you don't have to worry ... about that ... anymore," said Yume as her face grew more and more glum.

Then suddenly she was splashed! "Ah! Hey!" Yume cried as Subaru looked away, grinning. "You jerk you did that on purpose!"

"Did what?"

"This!" Yume splashed Subaru again

"Ah! That was you!" he said "You did that!"

"Did what?" she asked

After a five minute water fight, the two stopped due to cold feet ... literally.

"Hey, Tomato, does this seem familiar?" Subaru asked as they stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Uh ... I've walked here before," Yume shrugged "I can't really think of anything important,"

"Look," Subaru pointed up to a tree where a broken branch was.

"I don't get it, it's just a - OH MY GOSH! It's the tree!" Yume gasped "This is where we met! How did you remember?"

"Well you crushed me, remember?"

"Oh, the same way I crushed you at the Kalos League?"

"Oh that is low!" Subaru cried


"So Mizuki offered Subaru and Yume a chance to go to a training school in Alola but Subaru refused to get Ballad back together?" Sachi asked

"Yep!" I said


"Because he has other friends," I answered "And ... can you keep a secret?"

"Sure," said Starlight "Why?"

"Tell me it has to do with the story!" Emma pleaded

"It does," I told them "Look, guys, Yume and Subaru get in a fight today,"

"What!?!" They all cried

"You couldn't!" Sachi cried "Oh! You just want all the ships to be wrecked!"

"Trust me, it will all work out into the most romantic thing you ever read," I told them

"I dunno, I read this one book where -" said Starlight

"I don't mean to be rude, it is against the princely code, but I'm just not in the mood to here about other people's stories,"

"Oh, sorry,"

"It's fine,"

"Hey," said Laura who appeared out of no where

"Laura! You're okay!" said Emma with a sigh of relief.

"I was always okay!" Laura snapped "But want to know what would be better? I would like that pen of yours, Leo,"


Yume shivered. "It's getting really cold,"

"It's not that bad," Subaru said with a shrug "You should have brought a jacket or something,"

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