A Flowering Friend'ship'

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Haha! Do you guys know what this is? It's the 50th part! (one of them wasn't a part but who cares. Not me!) I really didn't think I'd get this far. And don't worry this is a chapter. But seriously, I didn't think it would go this far (I said that already). My friend just asked me to make a Pokemon and Aikatsu collaboration so I said sure and turns out it was a great idea! But if anyone asks it was my idea the whole time.


"You know," said Subaru "I think Festivals follow us everywhere,"

"Well when you travel a lot this is bound to happen a lot," said Kanata

"I don't care," said Yume "As long as there are tons of tasty snacks to try!"

"Of course you let your stomach guide the way," said Subaru

"That's how I roll,"

"But what festival is this?" Kanata wondered "And why is it so flowery? It wasn't spring the last time I checked,"

"It's the Flabebe Festival," said a familiar voice. Kanata's heart skipped a beat.

"Ako!" They all cried at once.


While traveling to Snowbell City, our heroes stop at a festival where they run into gym leader Ako. (#NarratorLeo)

"Ako!" cried Yume as she hugged her friend "I missed you!"

"You too ... can't breath," Yume let go

"You really gotta ease up on your hugs before you kill someone, Tomato," said Subaru, Yume punched him playfully in the arm.

"S-so what are you do here, Ako?" Kanata asked, less coolly then his usual tone.

"I was invited here by an old friend," said Ako "Maybe you know her she's - Oh, speaking of which, here she comes,"

"Hey Ako! Sorry, but I didn't see you at first and - Guys?"


"Mahiru!" Yume started to go in for a hug but was stopped by Subaru.

"Let the poor girl breath," he said

"So what's the Flabebe Festival?" Kanata asked

"One of my favorite Festivals!" said Mahiru "I've come with Ako every year since ... well, about the time you ditched us, Subaru,"


"Anyway, the festival is surrounded of this old tale from back in the day," said Ako "It's said that long ago a young boy fell in love with this girl so in order to impress her he got a Flabebe and gave it to her like a flower. It's so sweet! Nya!"

"There's also a battling contest to see who could win an actual Flabebe," said Mahiru

"Battle?" Subaru and Yume said in unison

"Two people, a boy and a girl, enter together and compete," Mahiru explained "I've never really been interested,"

"Well I am!" said Yume "Hey! Subaru, Kanata! Could one of you enter with me?"

"You can't be serious," said Kanata

"Come on! Please! Pretty Please!"

"I'll be your partner," said Subaru "It could be perfect training,"

"Yeah! The Snowbell Gym Leader won't know what hit him or her!"

"The past gym leaders have consisted of only females," said Kanata

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