Destiny and Friendship

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"I have my first Pokémon," Yume said to herself "I'm finally on my own, ... now what?"

"Ches ..." Chespin started to look around for something to do. Then he spotted it. "Chespin! Pin!"

"Huh? What is it?" Yume looked to where her partner was pointing ... a bakery. "You're hungry? Guess I could eat,"

Yume bought some donuts for her and her partner then sat down to eat. Chespin was fully enjoying the new treat that had been added to his menu. He was skeptical at first to see that it was not a nut made out of dough, but was satisfied with the chocolate ring of tastiness. Especially with the Oran berries sprinkled on top.

"Chespin, can I tell you something?" Yume asked, not waiting for a reply "I have no idea what 'm going to do. I want to be a trainer but I also want to be a performer. Cause they're so beautiful in their clothes and flashy moves. But battles are awesome too. OH I CAN'T CHOOSE!"

"Chespin! " Yume looked up at Chespin after all her ranting. His donut had vanished and was now holding up hers. "Ches? "

"You can have it," And with that, Chespin stuffed the whole thing in it's face. Yume chuckled. "If only donuts could help me figure out what I'm going to do,"

"Why not both?" said a voice across from her. "It's not illegal,"

"And you are?"

"Oh, of course, how rude of me," said the boy with a lack of enthusiasm "The name's Kira Kanata ... this is normally the part where you introduce yourself,"

"Oh! Right, sorry. I'm Nijino Yume and this is my partner Chespin,"

"Chespin! " Chespin added, his mouth full

"Hey. Well, I'm struggling to see why you're freaking out. You can do both,"

"I ... can?"

"DUH!" Yume was slightly startled "You know, if you do both you need to know how to perform and battle,"

"Well I can do both!" Yume huffed

"There, it's settled," said Kanata

"Uh ... Eh?"

"You just you can do both, so do both,"

"Oh. I ..." Before Yume could continue she suddenly saw someone from across the street. It was that boy who called her a tomato. "Excuse me for a minute," Yume took off "Come on Chespin," Chespin hopped onto Yume's shoulder just in the neck of time before she started to cross the street. "Hey you!"


"How DARE you? How. Dare. You!!!"

"How dare I what?" he asked "Wait, you're that tomato,"

"I'm NOT a tomato,"

"You sure looked like one!" he said with a chuckle "And where's your Fennekin? Or are you still helping that Chespin out of a tree?"

"I didn't get the Fennekin," Yume felt embarrassed "I got him instead,"

"You're turning red again,"

"N-no I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am -"

"Enough!" said a little girl "Just settle it how every Pokémon trainer does, with a battle," The two looked at each other.

"So, you want to battle?" the stranger asked Yume

"Yes," Yume replied behind gritted teeth.


"How did I  get mixed into this?" Kanata asked as the three of them walked over to the Pokémon Center's battle field.

"Because we needed a judge and you were right their so ... why not?" said Yume "Now let's get this battle started! Chespin I choose you!"

"Ches! " Chespin jumped off Yume's shoulder and onto the field.

"Froakie I need you!" called the boy as he thru his ball into the air, the blue Pokémon coming out in a f lash of light.

"Alright so it's a battle between this girl and this boy," said Kanata

"It's Subaru vs. Tomato!" said the boy

"My name is Yume!"

"Whatever. Battle begin,"

At this moment, the two were thinking the same thing: They were going to have the first move. So at the same time they called their moves.

"Chespin use Pin Missile!"

"Froakie use Water Pulse!"

The two moves were shot and collided together exploding but doing no damage to either Pokémon.

"Chespin use Vine Whip!" called Yume

"Stop them with your Frubbles!" Subaru called after.

Chespin shot out his vine's ... and they were trapped to the ground by Froakie's Frubbles. "No!" cried Yume "Put them back! Put them Back!" Chespin tried but the Frubbles were too sticky.

"Now come in for a Pound!" said Subaru, almost cheering.

"Uh ... Pin Missile!" Yume called in a panic. This time, Pin Missile landed on it's target.


Once Froakie hit the ground Chespin was able to free itself. "YES!" cheered Yume "Now use Pin Missile again!"

"Dodge it, Froakie!" The Pin Missile's came flying in and Froakie dodged them all. "Now use Water Pulse!"

"Bounce it back with your vines!"

"Dodge that too!"

Back and forth those two shot moves at each other. For hours they battled until during sunset ... "Are you done yet?" Kanata asked

"No!" They replied

"You two seriously need to stop now, you're going to kill yourselves,"

"Well ... I won't give up if he doesn't!" said Yume

"And I won't give up until she does!" Subaru added

"Well I'm not sure if your Pokémon can take much more of this," Kanata was right. It was clear to everyone that Chespin and Froakie were tired after the long battle. "I declare this battle a draw,"


"Well you two won't give up! It's for your own good," Kanata started to walk away.

"Pssh, whatever," said Subaru "I would have won anyway,"

"No you wouldn't! I would!" Yume argued

"I hope I never see those two again," Kanata mumbled as he walked

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