Rocking the Town

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"We're almost at Cyllage City," said Kanata as the three friends entered Ambrette Town.

"But we can stay here for a while, right?" Yume asked


"Look around you guys! It's the mother of pearl town!"

"You're just saying that because you've never seen the ocean before," said Subaru

"Maybe~" Yume replied "But Chespin is onboard with this, right buddy?"

"Ches! "

"Well -"

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK??!!!" yelled a voice. Suddenly load rock n' roll music started booming out of no where.

"Where is that coming from?" Yume wondered/yelled.

"The stage maybe?" Kanata yelled. Kanata pointed to a nearby stage. "I have to say now was a great time to keep Helioptile in his ball. He would blow up right now,"

"Yeah! Let's think about the bright side!" Subaru yelled

The music playing from the stage was very, very loud.

They try to stop me!

They can't break me!

I'm not going down!


I am rocking the town!

When the song was over everyone looked at the singer and her partners. It was a girl with pink hair and two Pokémon at her side.

"Thank you Ambrette Town! Thank you! Thank you! Thank -" Suddenly the girl started looking in their direction ... then smiled. Suddenly she jumped up and landed in front of Yume. "Are you the leader of this trio?"

"Ye -"

"We're friends," said Subaru "There are NO LEADERS!"


"Well it's an honor to meet you Yuki!" she said


"You know his music?" Kanata asked

"Know it? I love it! I'm Laura and these are my partners Lucario and Meowstic!"

"Awesome!" said Yume before scanning them.

"Lucario the Aura Pokémon. By reading the auras of all things, it can tell how others are feeling from over half a mile away."

"Meowstic the Constraint Pokémon. When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck into dust."

"Super awesome! Well I'm Yume, this is my partner Chespin. That's Kanata and you already know Subaru,"

"So great to meet you guys," said Laura "Hey, after the concert we can hang out for a while, what do ya say?"

"Sure," said Subaru "At least, I don't have any problems with it,"

"Me neither,"

"I don't mind," said Kanata

"Cool," as Laura headed back to the stage, Yume gaped at Kanata.


"Whoa what?" he asked

"You care!" she said "What happened to your signature 'I don't care'?"

"You're weird you know that,"

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