Double Trouble

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Day 2 of Pokémon Summer Camp

"Welcome everyone!" Professor Sycamore said that morning as the campers ate their breakfast. Team Chespin and Team (sorry I didn't mention this earlier) Charmander. "Today we're going to be doing partner exercises!"


"See the box in the middle of your tables? Reach in and take out a lot, different colored lots tell you who you are partnering with,"

"For what?" Someone asked

"A race! The team of two, and their Pokémon of course, will run a marked path from the starting line to the finish line. But there are a few clues and riddles you need to solve in order to move on,"

"Sounds fun!" said Yume

"That gets me gong," said Laura "Hey Sycamore! Can we pick our lots?"

He laughed "Sure,"

The six of them dove their hand into the tiny box all at once.



"Who's touching my hand?"

"I'm stuck!"

"I'm free!"

"Everyone take your hands out! Ouch! No, one at a time!"

Once everyone's hands were free, they went one at a time to draw lots. "Ladies first," Subaru told Asahi

"Shut it,"

They all picked and these were the teams.

Yume and Kanata

Subaru and Asahi

Laura and Mahiru

"We'll beat 'em for sure, right Kanata?" said Yume

"I guess. I have my brains and you have ... personality,"

"Yay!" squealed Asahi "Ballad is together again! Going for the gold! Winning the blue ribbon! And some other third thing that involves winning!!!"

"Reel it in," Subaru replied

"Should we say something to each other?" Mahiru asked

"I think we just did," said Laura


The teams all gathered at the starting line after an hour. The sun was shining down on them as they got ready to run.

"Alright!" Sophie called "Does everyone have their map of the camp sight?"


"Great! Now let's just go over the rules one more time before you go," Almost everyone groaned "First, no leaving the camp sight! If you leave we will find you! Second, no using your Pokémon to cheat. We have our ways of knowing. Third, stick with your partner, human and Pokémon. Points will be taken off. Got all that?"


"Alright then! You'll find your first clue at the first check point! Ready! Set! Go!" The ground practically shook with the dozens of kids and Pokémon running down the path.


"Did you find anything?" Yume asked as she hung from a tree on her legs.

"Not yet," Kanata replied

"Helioptile "

"Darn it!"

"Chespin! "

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