*PART OF! Aoi's Mission (Part 2)

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"I can't believe you saved his life!" Tori cried "You know what happened?!"

"I can make a few guesses," Aoi replied "I have the memories too you know, I don't know how but I do,"

Aoi, before, was so sure that she had never visited a girl named Luna. But now she seemed to know her well, they both did.

"On the bright side," said Aoi "Maybe saving his life stopped you from vanishing,"

"But I still feel sick," said Tori "And Tanoshi got worse and now ..."

"You mean he's gone?" Aoi asked, Tori nodded

"I'm scared Aoi, really, really scared! I don't want to vanish into oblivion!"

"Well someone, we don't know who yet, but someone is doing this on purpose. Once I find out who I'll make sure you still exist,"

"Thanks Aoi," said Tori "High five?"

"Yep!" They started to do a high five, but Aoi's hand went right thru Tori's.

"Ow!" Tori cried

"W-well ... at least you still feel,"

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