Not a part but a warning

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My subjects, let me start off by saying the pros and cons of Wattpad.

Pro: I get to read fanfiction


I HAVE HAD TO REPUBLISH RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY FIVE TIMES ALREADY!! And somehow it deleted another part I wrote about how the three came to meet and I am NOT writing that again!

This isn't fun subjects, if this keeps up then I won't get past part 71. I still have to write about their final gym battle, the league, and UGH!!!! I don't want my hard work to go poofing into thin air!!

I'm going to try and make back up copies of my future parts in case they get deleted but I just really HATE doing this.

I'm sorry and I'll try to take control of the problem but I cannot promise anything at this point.

-Leo (A.K.A) Prince Love Candy

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