Am I Late?/The Prodigal Sister

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"Oh we're sorry," said Mrs. Nijino during the call she was having with Subaru, Kanata, and Mahiru. "Yume left earlier this morning,"

"she did?" said Mahiru

"Yes but she said that you can go ahead and get ready to watch the showcase. She also said she'd be there before you know it so don't worry,"

"We won't," said Subaru "Thank you," they hung up.

"At least she's on her way," said Kanata "And when she says she'll hurry we know we can trust her on that,"

"Of course we can," said Mahiru "But ... what do we do now, she's not here,"

"Not yet," said Subaru "Let's just wait for her, the showcase doesn't start for a few hours and she already signed up online,"

"How long would it take for her to get here from Luminous City?" Mahiru asked

"you don't want to know," said Kanata



"Oh ... can't this train go any faster?" Yume mumbled under her breath

"I'm afraid not," said a young boy who was sitting across from her "Do you have some place to be?"

"Yes," Yume replied "Hey ... have we met before?"

The boy chuckled "I was wondering the same thing. By any chance, have you been to the Snowbell City gym recently, right after someone was battling?"

"Hm ... come to think of it ..."


"Wait!" said Yume as she picked up the ball, the boy turned "You dropped this,"

"Thanks," The boy took his poke ball back then ran off.

~~Flashback End~~

Yume gasped "You were that boy who dropped his poke ball!"

"Yeah, what a way to be remembered," he chuckled then stuck out his hand "I'm Raichi, by the way,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yume," They shook hands "So you're a trainer too? With badges and stuff?"

"Yep," Raichi showed her his badge case "Six badges so far, I'm going to Laverre Gym next,"

"Awesome, good luck,"

"Thank you. So how many badges do you have?" he asked her

"Me and my friend both have seven," She showed him her badge case "Check it out,"

"Wow, you actually beat Lily?" Yume nodded "That is so cool, you must be strong,"

Yume shrugged "I always battle with my friend, I sometimes wonder if we deserve some of the badges in our cases,"

"You ... you battle together?" Raichi asked her

"Yeah, it's weird, we know,"

"I think it's really unique!"

"Aw, thanks,"

"I'm impressed that so many gyms were okay with that,"

"Well we did battle on our own at the Luminous Gym but that's a long story,"

"Wow, so where's your friend now?" Raichi asked her

"I had to go on account of a family emergency and I'm suppose to meet them at Fleurrh City," Yume told him

"Whoa, that's a little far,"

"Don't remind me," Yume groaned

"Sorry," said Raichi "So what's with the hurry?"

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