Yume vs. Hime (Part 1)

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Okay Subjects, I know I said I'm not a fan of Pripara (I'm not) but I have been planning Yume's performance in the final round of the Master Class since her first performance! This is the music I'm using and I can't wait to write this story!!! XD

Last Time on Pokemon x Aikatsu Stars!

The Master Class had begun in full swing and Yume had faced off her rivals Akari, Laura, and Aria and remained victorious through it all. However Akari and Laura didn't BOTHER to stay and celebrate with everyone else. And now it's come to the finals, Yume Vs. Hime who knows who will win ...

Oh yeah, me! :D

"I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time!" cried Maria "And I'm not even the one performing,"

"Yume's worked hard to get to where she is," said Aria "It's clear to everyone who sees her,"

"Well whatever happens she'll do it with a bright red face as always," said Subaru

"You guys really need to explain that to me," said Aria

"It's a long story including most of their friendship," said Kanata "You learn to just roll with it,"

"But then again," said Rei "It is Hime she's facing,"

"Defeating the Kalos Queen will be though," said Nozomu "But I have faith she'll pull through,"

"We know that from experience," said a voice

"Yume's parents!?!" Subaru and Kanata cried

"Hello!" said Mrs. Nijino "Mind if we sit with you,"

"Not at all," said Kanata

"You're Yume's parents?" said Aria

"Who are you?" asked Mr. Nijino

"I'm Yume's other friend, Aria!"

"Us too!" said Nozomu

"How many of you are there?" Mrs. Nijino asked

"Six," They answered in unison

"Oh my,"


Yume rested in one of the castle's dressing rooms. "This place is so huge," she said "Alright everyone, come on out!" In a flash of light all her Pokemon appeared.

"Din! "

"Braixen! "

"Emo! "

"Toge! "

"Deino! "

"Guys, we've come so far," Yume started "We've jumped over all the hurtles but one, Hime. And I know we can make it!" Her Pokemon cried out in agreement "So many people have supported me throughout my journey, my friends, my family, my rivals ... and we will not let them down! YEAH!"

"Um, Performer Yume?" said a stage hand

"Huh? Yes?"

"You're on standby,"

"Right! Let's go guys!"


"It is time, People of Kalos, for the final round of this years Master Class!" The crowd cheered "Let's bring out the challenger, Performer Yume!" The doors opened and Yume stepped onto the stage with her Pokemon. "And presenting, our lovely Kalos Queen, Madam Hime!" The crowd cheered even louder as Hime and her Pokemon went onto the stage.

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