It's Not Like I Dream About Her ...

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Still Day 2 of Pokémon Summer Camp

"I'm so tired after today," said Kanata "I cannot wait to go to sleep and dream of ... other things,"

"Like what?" Yume and Subaru asked in unison

"Other things,"

"Like what?" They started laughing as Kanata rolled his eyes.

"You're hysterical!" he said sarcastically

"We know," They said together

Yume sighed then bit her lip. "Is it okay if ... if I sing myself to sleep?" she asked

"But you do that every night," said Subaru "We hear you sometimes,"

"Oh ... do I disturb you?"

"N-no! Of course not," said Subaru "You have a nice voice, Tomato"

"Thanks!" said Yume "But please don't call me Tomato right now,"

"If you want to sing then sing but please be quiet about it!" said Kanata "I don't mind if your quiet! And Subaru ... I don't know,"

"It's fine," he said


You're always by my side, I know that you will always be

I don't need to run and hide, cause I know you will never leave me

Right there till the end, you're my best friend ...

I hope it will stay that way, Please may it stay that way ... evermore.


The next morning the two cabins met at the Cafeteria. "Hey guys!" said Laura "We have a free day today!"

"A free day?" said Subaru

"Do we get those?" asked Yume

"It's summer camp! Isn't everyday a free day?" asked Kanata

"Well, by free day she means there's nothing planned," said Mahiru "So we can spend the whole day frolicking or whatever,"

"Yeah!" cried Asahi "So what do you guys want to do?"

"Well ... I've wanted to check out the camp for a long time," said Yume "Maybe we could go exploring!"

"I'm cool with that," said Laura

"Then let's go!" said Asahi


"I didn't know the forest was this deep," said Kanata "Are we even still at camp,"

"I think so," said Subaru "We could always go back,"

"Aw, but I was having such a great time!" Yume laughed and spun around. But then, a horrible buzzing noise came from behind her. It was a Beedrill charging at her.

"Yume look out!" Subaru cried as he shoved her out of the way.


A horrible pain struck his chest. Beedrill had hit him with Poison Jab! And now I became that guy!

"Subaru!" Yume cried "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he told her as he tried to stand up. But then he collapsed back onto the ground. The poison was making everything hurt!

"No you're not!" said Asahi "Come on guys! We need  to get him to Nurse Joy,"


"Oh he looks awful," said Nurse Joy "Wigglytuff! I need bandages for the wound! And get herbs for some poison, and Pecha berries,"

"Is he going to be alright?" Laura asked

"I'll answer that later," said Nurse Joy "But in the mean time leave me to my work,"

The five of them left the room.


"I'm so scared," said Asahi "He looked like he was half way to death's door,"

"Don't say that!" said Mahiru "He won't die!"

"Why did he save me?" Yume asked "He shouldn't have done that!"

"You really don't know?" Kanata asked

"Know what?" she asked

"He's in love with you!" said Laura

"I-in love?" Yume cried "N-no ... it's not possible,"

"It's possible!" said Kanata "He just doesn't know it yet,"

"What? But then -"

"Boys are simple minded creatures," said Laura "When they're in love they deny it at all cost and in stead use taunting as a way to build emotional walls,"

"That's not true!" said Asahi

"Well every guy except for him," said Mahiru

"But ... I wish he would have told me," said Yume

"All the shippers wish he would tell you," said Laura

"The what?"

"Forget it,"

Then Nurse Joy came out of the room. "How is he?" Kanata asked

"He ... um ... he asked to see you, Yume," she said.

"Oh ... okay," Yume fought back her tears as she walked into the room. Subaru laid on the bed, a bloody badge was wrapped around his side. "Oh Subaru," she said

"Hey, Tomato," Subaru replied weekly before clutching his side again.

"You look horrible," she told him

"I know," he replied "Nurse Joy said the poisoned reached my heart,"

"Your heart?" A tear trickled down her cheek

"Yeah, she said it traveled pretty quickly," Subaru coughed "It really hurts, Yume. It does, I'm not sure how much longer I have,"

"Then why are you only seeing me?" Yume asked "You should see us all together! We could bring you back your strength with us all together!" Subaru took Yume's hand.

"I just want to see you, Yume," he said "I need to tell you something ... alone," Yume started crying. "I love you, Yume. You give me more strength then a million friends. I need you more then breathing. I'd say my heart beats for you ... but I don't want to compare you to something so broken,"

"Your heart isn't broken," said Yume, crying so hard "You're strong, so please get up. I know you can,"

"If I could I would, I promise," Subaru found it harder to breath "But at least I got to see you before I die,"

"You can't die," said Yume "You still have so much in you!"

"No I don't," Subaru smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I love you, Tomato,"

"I -"


"WAKE UP!!!"

"AH!" Subaru jumped awake so suddenly.

"Oh good! I didn't need to send Emolga on you!" said Yume

"Where am I?" Subaru asked

"Summer Camp, stupid," said Kanata "Now get up!"

"Get up?"

"GET OUT OF BED!!" Yume yelled

"Why are you yelling?" asked Kanata "It's too early for yelling,"

As Kanata and Yume were talking, Subaru was dreading his dream. He died and then declared his undying love to Yume. "Oh no," he said "I'm not ... I'm not ..."

"Getting out of bed! That's what!" said Yume "Come on, silly!"

This was just something for you shippers out there. I hope you enjoyed it. <3 Personally I think it was obvious it was a dream, but for all of you who didn't ... now you know. :3

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