Performing to Victory

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The spot lights shined over the decorated stage, like star shining down on the dark streets of the night. The five friends sat in their seats, waiting for the show to start.

"I can't wait to see those two perform again!" said Maria

"Me too," said Rei "Their last performance lit a fire in my heart,"

"Well they've both been training very hard," said Kanata "I'm sure they'll both come up with something great,"

"Wow! That has to be the most optimistic thing that ever left your mouth!" said Subaru

"Maybe you did something to him," said Nozomu

"Oh shut up,"


"How do you feel Aria?" Yume asked

"Still a little nervous, but I don't feel like loosing my lunch," she replied with a smile

"Ruby, Pandora, and Yume you're all on stand-by," said a stage hand.

"Oh, guess I'm up first," said Yume

"You'll do great!"

Yume squeezed a small rock in her hand (The one Laura gave her). "Thanks. Let's go Braixen!"

"Brai! "


"Now, Pokémon Lovers, let's see what today's theme performance will be!" Suddenly pictures shapes and scissors floated in the air. "Wonderful! It's Pokémon Styling! And our first performers are: Performer Pandora! Performer Yume! and Performer Ruby!"

"Good luck!" Everyone cried

"Are you ready?" Yume asked as she held her partner's hand.

"Braixen! "


It was a small room, about the size of a telephone box only slightly bigger. But it was filled with ribbons and bows and fabrics. In the middle of the small spiral room was a table for the Pokémon to stand on.

Braixen stood on the table as Yume thought as quickly as she could about what she should do.

The fabric was nice, maybe a top or a skirt then. And then maybe a sash for the top! It was all coming to her! Yume grabbed everything she needed and started to get to work.


"And ... time's up! Let's see what our performers have done. First up, Performer Ruby!" Ruby and her Skitty walked down the isle then back. "Next Performer Pandora!" Pandora and her Oshawott showed off their stuff next. "And last but not least, Performer Yume!"

"Here we go!"

Yume and Braixen walked down the isle and Braixen looked absolutely awesome! The top had pink plaid with berry ribbons and ruffled hot pink wrist accessories. The skirt was a tutu with rainbow ribbons and bows. And on her head was a pink and rainbow income.

"Incroyable! Now it's time for the voting! Take out your glow casters! Un ... deux ... trois!" Lights flowed from the glow casters and into the charms. "And the winning performer is ... Performer Yume!"

"YES! We did it Braixen!"

"Brai! Braixen! "


After Yume, Aria showed off her Leafeon who looked just like a fairy with all the flowers and lace Aria put on her.

Then it was time for the General Free Style performances. Aria was first.

"Ready Leafeon, Flabebe?"

"Leafeon! "

"Bebe! "

"Alright then, Leafeon use Magical Leaf!" The Magical Leaf swirled around them "Now Flabebe use Petal Dance!" The two moves combined and turned into sparkles as the three of them danced. "Now Flabebe use Misty Terrain, Leafeon us Grass Whistle," Leafeon started singing as the mist started to spread around the stage and Aria danced. "Now let's finish it off with Moonblast and Swift!" Flabebe used Moonblast and Leafeon used Swift. The two moved hit each other and turned into sparkles. And as the mist vanished they took a bow, the crowd was crazy.

"Next is Performer Yume!"

"You go Tomato!"

"Go Yume!"

"Good luck!"

Yume was rising onto the stage, Braixen and Emolga by her side. "Alright let's go!" she said The three of them danced around for a while. "Emolga use Thunder Shock! Braixen use Ember!" Emolga flew into the air and used Thunder Shock, Braixen's Ember turned it into fireworks.

"Wow! Sparkly!" said Maria

Then Braixen started throwing her stick and Yume caught it then threw it back. Emolga flew around it, smiling and being cute. "Now Braixen use Psychic!" Braixen and Yume started floating in the air. "Emolga use Thunder Wave!" The electric wave started forming around them "Now use Sweet Kiss!" In a flash of light the Electric Wave and Sweet Kiss turned into a rainbow and with Psychic it looked like Braixen and Yume were standing on top of it. Emolga floated onto Yume's shoulder and they took a bow.

Everyone exploded into cheers.

"Go Yume!"


"It's time for the voting! Light your glow casters to vote for your favorite Performer! Un ... deox ... trios!"

"Go Yume!"

"Go Aria!"

A rainbow of lights floated into each of their charms. "Please, please, please!" Yume whispered "Please!"

"And the winning performer is ... Performer Yume!"


"You won you silly Tomato!" Subaru yelled

"Braixen! "

"Emolga! "

"I won ... We did it!"


The seven of them were at the Pokémon Center, Yume was admiring her second Princess Key. "Only one more to go!" said Yume

"Do you know where you guys are going next?" Nozomu asked

"For once, we do," said Subaru

"We do?" Kanata asked

"What do you mean for once?" Rei asked "Have you been unprepared this whole time?"

"Yes," They answered in unison

"Well, until we meet again, right?" said Aria "And I'll be sure to get my third Princess key,"

"We'll see who gets it first then!"

"Well, it was great seeing you all again," said Nozomu "And we enjoyed every second of our merry time,"

Aria beamed, admiring Nozomu's vocabulary again.

"Do we have to go?" Maria asked

"Sorry, Maria," said Rei "But yes,"

"Aw man!"

"Parting is such sweet sorrow," said Nozomu "Bye!"


"Good bye!"

Aria sighed "I'd better be going too," she said "Bye guys,"

"Bye Aria,"


Once the four of them were gone they looked at each other. "So where are we going?" Kanata asked

"Luminous City!"

"Oh ..."

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