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"So we're almost at Coumarine City," said Kanata "After this town it's only another days walk,"

"YES!!" cried Yume "Fourth Gym Badge here we come!"

"Whoa," said Subaru "What is up with this town?"

The town in question was decorated very strangely with pumpkins with faces and orange and purple banners.

"It's very ... colorful," said Yume

"That's an understatement," Kanata mumbled

"Let's just go to a Pokémon Center," said Subaru "And maybe we'll get some answers,"

"Right!" The three friends found their way to the center and when they walked in they saw that Wigglytuff and Nurse Joy were in costume.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Yume asked

"I think so," Subaru replied

"Oh, hello there!" said Nurse Joy "Welcome to the Pokémon Center!"

"Uh, hey," said Kanata "Mind telling us what all ... this  is about?"

"Oh, it's just a costume," she replied "It's for the Gourgeist Festival,"

"The what festival?" They said

"The Gourgeist Festival! Its where we wear costume and trade treats with everyone. But we also like to play a few harmless tricks for a bit of a scare,"

"A scare?" Yume repeated "That could be fun!"

"You want to be scared?" said Subaru

"No! I'm gonna scare you!"

"Haha! Very funny," said Kanata

"Well I could,"

"Well you probably can't since we don't have any costumes," said Subaru

"Yes we do," said Yume "But not yet anyway, but I can make them,"

"Now?" said Kanata "It will take too long to make costumes. The Festival will be over by the time you finish,"

~~1-Hour Later~~

"This is impossible," said Subaru as he looked at his Charizard costume "How did you make these in only 60 minutes?"

"I dunno," Yume shrugged in her Vivillon costume "Honestly I thought I worked on these for days,"

"Well the night is still young (somehow)," said Kanata who was a Hawlucha "So let's enjoy it. No matter how silly we feel,"

"You don't look silly," said Yume

"Yes I do," And with that Kanata pulled down his mask.

"So in three hours we'll meet back here?" asked Subaru

"Right!" said Yume "Person with the most candy wins!"

"Wins what?" Kanata asked


"Wow ... I think I could live without it!"

"One, two, three, GO!" said Yume and Subaru in unison as they dashed out of the center in different directions. Kanata shrugged and rolled his eyes behind his mask as he walked out. Once both the boys were gone, Yume came back into the center.

"Um ... Nurse Joy?"


"Can I ask you for a favor?"


"I don't even really like candy," Kanata told his partner who was perched on his shoulder "Why would I want to collect it all?"

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