Let's Have Fun

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"Hello readers!" said Yume "Guess what? Leo said we could break down the fourth wall for this one part! Yay!"

"But we won't remember this since it would ruin the story," said Kanata "So your highness is going to erase our memories of this part (can you believe him?)"

I would rather erase your memories of the fourth wall completely but those parts are hilarious. But believe me after this the fourth wall is going to stay intact for a while.

"Hear you loud and clear," said Subaru

I know.

"Alright! So we drew straws to see what we would do in this part," said Yume

"We lost," said Subaru "And by we I mean Subaru and me,"

"Yes, we," said Kanata

"Oui! Oui! " said Yume "So today we're in the Pokemon Center -"

"-'s kitchen," Subaru interupted

"Right, so we're here to start baking!!! Yay!"

"Yay," Subaru and Kanata said in unison

"(ask)" Yume whispered

"Okay," said Kanata "SO, what will you be making ... today?"

"Glad you asked Kanata!" said Yume "We're going to be making a delicious dinner of mini pizza and a special desert,"

"What dessert?" Subaru asked "I'm serious here, you never told us!"

"You'll see," Yume grinned


"Okay so we all have pizza dough now," said Yume "We're going to make sure there round and flat, not too flat and too thick, but -"

"Just right!" the three said in unison

"And it doesn't even have to be round," said Subaru

"Light-bulb!" said Yume "Let's just make crazy shaped pizzas! I think there some cookie cutters around here,"

"On it," said Kanata


"Ta-da!" said Yume "I made mine a heart!"

"I made a square pizza," said Subaru "Not very original is it,"

"Sort of," Yume shrugged

"I made a triangle," said Kanata "It's pretty weird and you can't see but just use your imagination,"

"Next is toppings!" said Subaru


"We have the cheese," said Yume "We have the vegetables, and ... why are there berries here?"

"They'll taste better then you think," said Kanata

"We're just missing the ... sauce,"

"Oh we are," said Subaru, grinning "Hey Yume, would you tell me what kind of sauce we'll need for the pizza?"

"Pizza sauce?" said Yume, holding back her laughter.

"No, no, I don't think that's right,"

"I'm not going to say it,"

"Say what?" he asked

"You know what, I'll just get it myself," Yume walked over to the fridge and started searching. "Um ... what?"

Pokémon x Aikatsu StarsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora