Strange but Normal

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"FINALLY!!" cried Yume

"We're in Cyllage City!" said Subaru

"And now everyone knows it too," added Kanata

"Yes!" said Yume "We're gonna crush the gym leader, get our second badge, and then ... do some other third thing!"

"I'll race you to the gym," said Subaru

"Please don't," said Kanata

"You're on!"

"1, 2, 3, GO!"

"Why do I even bother trying?" Kanata wondered


"Yeah!" said Subaru "I won!"

"You cheated," said Yume

"Did not,"

"I'm surprised you found the gym," said Kanata "How do you guys do that? Just ... find the gym by running?"

"I dunno," They shrugged

Suddenly, the doors opened. "I'm so glad you all could make it to my gym," said a voice as a second door opened. "I was hoping you would come soon,"

The three of them beamed. "Ako!"

"In the flesh,"

"You're the Cyllage City gym leader?!?" cried Yume "Why didn't you tell us?"

"It never came up," Ako said with a shrug "But I'm so glad I get to battle you two. So ... how do you want to do this?"

"What do you mean?" Subaru asked

"While ... when you battled Yuzu you battled together. Would you like to battle me together or separately?"

"Uh ... um,"

"Does together sound okay?" Ako asked "I don't mind. So will you do it?"

"I will if he does," said Yume

"And I will if she does," added Subaru

"It's a deal then!"


"Chespin! I choose you!" said Yume once they were on the battle field

"Froakie I need you!" said Subaru

"Skitty and Jigglypuff! I need your assistance please!" said Ako

"Each side has four Pokemon each!" said the judge "The battle is over when all four Pokemon from either side are unable to battle. And ... begin!"

Subaru and Yume looked at each other, both thinking the same thing. "Froakie use Water Pulse!"

"Chespin use Pin Missile!"

The two moves combined, turning the Water Pulse into a blue and green ball of swirling energy. The fusion move hit Jigglypuff sending her flying.

"Quick, both of you use Hyper Voice!" Skitty used Hyper Voice, and and even if she was still in the air, Jigglypuff used Hyper Voice too.

"My ears!" cried Yume

"MY ears!" added Subaru. Then he got an idea "Froakie! Read my lips and use your Frubbles as ear plugs for Chespin and you!"

Froakie nodded then used the Frubbles to cover his ears (wherever they may be) then gave some to Chespin who did the same. Then they both starred at their trainers.

"Use Vine Whip on Skitty!" Yume said slowly

"Use your Frubbles," said Subaru, also slowly.

Chespin used Vine Whip as fast as he could. "Oh no you don't, Jigglypuff use Pound!" But before Jigglypuff could stop Chespin she was hit with Froakie's Frubbles and stuck to the ground. Chespin grabbed Skitty and slammed her to the ground.

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