Psychic Overload

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"Ooh! I can't believe I'm battling Asahi's old friend ... and his friend ... AT THE SAME TIME!" Yozora squealed.

"I can't believe they're actually battling together," said Mahiru from the sidelines "Isn't there some kind of law agents this?"

"Nope," said Kanata "Besides, they've already done this twice and Officer Jenny hasn't arrested them so I think they're fine,"

"I'm so excited to see Subaru battle!" said Asahi "He used to say he didn't need Pokémon to get famous because he was, quote, 'awesome'"

"Oh, so he's always been like that," Kanata mumbled

"Fennekin I choose you!" said Yume

"Froakie I need you!" said Subaru

"Chingling! Espeon! It's show time!" said Yozora

"Each side will only use four Pokémon!" said the judge "The battle is over when all of either side's Pokémon are unable to battle. Battle Begin!"

"Use Ember/Bubble!" They said in unison

The two moves fused together and hit both Chingling and Espeon. "Wow! Not even thirty seconds in and you're both already in perfect sync!"

"You're battling them Yozora," said Mahiru "Not watching,"

"I knew that. Espeon use Psychic and then Chingling, you use Psybeam!" Suddenly, Froakie and Fennekin were lifted into the air, unable to move. Then Chingling's Psybeam was coming straight for them.

"Use Light Screen!" called Yume, Fennekin quickly protected herself and her friend from danger.

"Ha! Try and get past that!" said Subaru

"Double Psychic," said Yozora. Then suddenly the Light Screen was being taken apart, then it was gone.

"What!?!" They both cried

"That's incredible!" said Kanata "How did she learn to use Psychic powers to take down shielding moves?"

"Our sister tries to prepare for everything ... when she's not distracted," said Asahi

"Well it can't stop us!" said Subaru "Use Water Pulse!"

"And Fennekin use Flamethrower!"

Flamethrower was shot at Chingling and Water Pulse at Espeon. "Chingling dodge and Espeon use Psychic," Chingling jumped into the air and Flamethrower missed him. Then Espeon held the Water Pulse in the air with her psychic power. "Now shoot it at Fennekin!"

"Use Bubble!" said Subaru, Froakie obeyed and the Water Pulse was gone before it hit Fennekin. "Now use Bubble again on Chingling!"

"Use Psybeam Chingling!" You'd think the moves would collide, nope. They missed each other and hit their targets. "Chingling!"

"Froakie!" Froakie had taken pretty bad damage from the Psybeam. But Chingling on the other hand ...

"Chingling is unable to battle!"

"You fought well my friend," said Yozora with a sigh "Take a good rest," Chingling was back into his ball.

"You should get some rest too Froakie," Subaru told his partner "I'll call you out again when we need you,"



"I guess it's time to call out my next Pokémon," said Yozora "Meowstic it's time to shine!"

"Fletchling we need you!" said Subaru

"Fletchling?" Kanata cried

"What's so surprising about Fletchling?" Asahi asked

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