Lights, Prince, Action!

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"Rain, rain, go away," Yume chanted as she starred out the Pokémon Center's front window "Come again another day,"

"Are you a witch?" Kanata asked


"Are you a witch?"


"Then I don't think your chanting will get rid of the rain,"

Yume groaned.

The three friends had finally arrived in Geosenge Town, but now it was raining and her performance was tomorrow. The show wouldn't be canceled because of rain, and the rain would probably end before tomorrow. But it was still tedious to have rain raining on the day before her parade. The worse part was she couldn't play in it since she had no coat.

"Look on the bright side," sad Subaru "We ... um ... You got your Pokémon!"

Yume shrugged, she did just catch Emolga. Now all three of them had an electric type Pokémon. She had Emolga, Subaru had Pachirisu, and Kanata had Helioptile. But how could an electric Pokémon help her with her rain dilemma?

"Toge! Toki! "

"Huh?" Yume looked around the center. "Did you guys hear that?" Before they could reply, a tiny Pokémon jumped onto her lap. "Ah! Togepi?"

"Toge! "

"Hey guys!" The three turned to the familiar face walking over to them.


"Hi, sorry if Togepi is bothering you again," Aria said as she scooped up her Pokémon.

"Nah, it's cool," said Yume

"Are you here for the showcase?" Kanata asked putting two-and-two together.


"We both are!" said a fifth voice.

"Laura!?!" They all cried

"We thought -"

"This is  where I'm getting my second key sillies," Laura told them, reading their minds.

"But how did you get here without us seeing you?" Subaru asked "You literally went in the opposite direction,"

"I knew a short cut,"

"I'm confused again," said Aria "First tomatoes and now this girl?"

"Aria, this is Laura," Kanata explained "A local rock star and performer,"

"Oh ... You sound like the dictionary you know that,"

The three of them held back their laughter.

Suddenly the door opened and a boy - soaked to the bone - came in. "Excuse me," he said "My partner needs a check-up please,"

"Oh! Of course," said Nurse Joy.

"Forgive me if I'm a bit ... wet," he told Nurse Joy as he handed her a single poke ball.

"It's fine," Nurse Joy told him "There are some towels in the back you can use those to dry. Just right over there,"

"Thank you,"

As the stranger was walking over to the room, he looked at the group of five. But manly at Laura. "I know you," he said

"Y-you do?" she replied, a bit taken aback.

"I know all of you! I saw you at that showcase! In ... whatever-it-is Town," He said, referring to Laura, then he looked at Aria and Yume "I saw you in that other showcase to. And you're that pop star, you're unit broke up a year ago right?"

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