The After Party

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Director: So just sit here and don't look at the camera

Yume: That camera?

Director: I said don't look at it! Now, I'll ask you questions and all you have to do is answer, breath, and don't look at the camera.

Yume: Got it! But just to be clear I can't look at that  camera?

Director: What did I just say?!


Director: So, Subaru, was it difficult to get into the Kalos League?

Subaru: Well ... there were a few bumps, I won't lie. But I had my friends with me, and trust me you can never fall with them around.


Raichi: Was it hard? Are you kidding me? I pushed myself to the limit and I traveled alone. But I did travel with others now and then but it didn't last. this my dream and I had to make it come true on my own. Even if I didn't quite reach it.

Director: Will you try again in the future?


Yume: Again!?! I'm still tired from right now, I can't even think about a next time!

Directions: Well do you have any plans for the future?

Yume: The future? Um ... no, not really.


Subaru: Honestly it's just a blur to me, I'm not quite sure what to do now that it's over. But I do know what I'm doing tomorrow night, Ballad is getting back together for a concert and everyone is invited!


Raichi: Well obviously I'm going to try again. Train harder and be prepared for whatever happens next. I'm not loosing next time and that's a promise.


Director: Last question, who inspired you to pursue this dream of yours?

Raichi: My sister. She was always such a powerful trainer and so I told myself "I'm going to be like her - No - I'm going to be better then her!" So I hope one day I'll beat her battle and stand on the same level she does.


Yume: Who inspired me? Where do I start? Well as for this my parents always encouraged me to pursue my dream and I wanted to be strong like the legendary Ash Ketchum! But then I saw Hime performing and I thought that was amazing so I didn't know what to choose. Then a friend of mine helped me pick that out. Both.


Subaru: Well I have a lot of inspiration, my dad, my time in Ballad. But I'd have to say my number one inspiration is Yume Nijino.

Direction: Yume Nijino? Why do you say that?

Subaru: Haven't you met her? She's a wonder! Honestly, the girl can live two of her dreams and still makes everyone feel like a winner. And I know her. She never gives up and has this huge heart like you've never seen. I hope I can be like that.

Direction: Thank you, that was wonderful.

Subaru: Your Welcome


Yume and Subaru collapsed onto Yume's couch, tired from the long battle and the interviews and the photo shoot afterward. And since Kanata had to talk to some people about foster care and Yume's parents had a job to take care of (family biz) they had the house to themselves.

"I am so tired," said Yume

"Yeah," said Subaru

"I just want to sleep for days,"

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