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Subaru opened his eyes so suddenly it almost startled him. One minute he was having an awesome dream and the next he was back in his bedroom. What time was it?

20 IN THE AFTERNOON!?! How did he -

Oh right, his clock was still broken. That meant he could go back to sleep and dream about - what was he dreaming about?

Suddenly he gasped and jolted awake. "MY FIRST POKEMON!!" he cried "UGH! How could I forget?"

Subaru got out of bed and started looking for his clothes. Was this shirt clean? No it wasn't, gross. Where was his backpack? Wait, if this was his pillow then what did he - Oh, there was his bag. But where were his clothes? Guess his dad was right about cleaning his room.

Then finally, after much searching, Subaru had his clothes on with his bag swung around onto his back.

"About time you woke up," said Mr. Yuki

"Sorry Dad," said Subaru "So where's breakfast cause I need to go,"

"Magic word first," Subaru groaned "Come on, we practiced this,"

"Please," said Subaru

"Right away!" Mr. Yuki put a plate of toast in front of son who at it quickly. "Slow down, let is digest first,"

"Too late!" said Subaru "Look, I really need to go," Mr. Yuki sighed then smiled.

"Alright," he ruffled his hair "Go kill it out there,"



Subaru walked into Professor Sycamore's lab, he hadn't been living in Luminous City long but he swore he would never go into the lab unless he was ready for a journey. Now it was time!

"Hello," said a woman with blue hair and glasses "May I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to get my first Pokemon," Subaru told her with pride

"Alright then, stay right here and I'll get the professor


"So these the starter Pokemon for Kalos," said Professor Sycamore "We have Chespin, Froakie, and Fennekin,"

"Ches! "

"Fro! "

"Fennekin! "

"Cool," said Subaru as he looked at each Pokemon

"Here's your poke-dex," the professor added as he handed Subaru his dex "You scan Pokemon with it and it tells you information about it,"

"Wow, thanks," said Subaru "But I don't think I'll need it, I already know who I want,"

"Really? Who?"


"Alright then," said Professor Sycamore "Froakie it is. Here's Froakie poke-ball and your other five balls. And will you be needing a badge case?"

"Absolutely!" Subaru exclaimed

"Here you are," he handed Subaru his items.

"Thanks," Subaru turned to Froakie "We're going to be a great team together, return,"

"Kie! Kie! "

Froakie was zapped into his ball. "Thank you for your time," he said then took off.

"Ah, it's nice to see the young trainers of Kalos go off on their journeys. ... Hey where did Chespin go?"


Kanata was in his room, reading a book. The same one he had been reading for eight years 'How To Be A Gym Leaders for the Stupid'. He hated it.

Then something clicked in him Why didn't he just take a break? For a while, just a little while. He could just go out for a few hours and come back tomorrow, his dad will never notice ... hopefully.

Setting aside the book, Kanata left his room a peeked into his dad's. He was asleep.

"Hey Dad say nothing if I can leave the house," he whispered. No reply "Great, thanks, bye!"

Kanata dashed back into his room and grabbed his backpack then started to grab a few other things. Some money, a sleeping bag, a tent, and a tooth brush of course. He could just camp out at Luminous park and be back at morning ... or the afternoon. He didn't care.


Kanata looked around Luminous City as he sat at a table at a cafe. It almost felt like he was free. No worries about becoming the next Luminous Gym Leader, not worrying about his dad's beatings - but he would have to worry about those as soon as he realized Kanata was gone.

He wish he could run away for real, but where would he go? Once again feeling trapped, Kanata did his best to forget about it and enjoy his freedom.

"Chespin, can I tell you something?" someone asked, Kanata turned his head and saw a girl with her partner. "I have no idea what I'm going to do. I want to be a trainer but I also want to be a performer. Cause they're so beautiful in their clothes and flashy moves. But battles are awesome too. OH I CAN'T CHOOSE!"

"Chespin! "

That was her dilemma? Geez, she must be rich.

"Why not both?" he asked her "It's not illegal,"


Later (after Yume and Subaru's first battle)

Kanata was finally away from that girl and that boy. Yume and Subaru or something like that, he still didn't care. Those two would last a day in the real world.

Suddenly Kanata stopped. Then he face palmed himself.

Stupid! They were Pokemon Trainers! Pokemon trainers travel the world! If he tagged along then that would be his ticket away from his troubles!

But where would they be? Let's see, if he was a trainer where would he go.


The one place he hated as much as his apartment. The Luminous gym.


Subaru stood in front of the Luminous Tower, on the front door were two signs.

the first one:

Welcome to the Luminous Gym!

*Here are some rules you need to know*

1. You must have at least three Pokemon

2. No flash photography or video cameras

3. No loitering

the second one:


"Ugh," Subaru groaned "Where would the closet gym be?"

"If you're looking for a gym there's one in Santalune City," said a boy with brown hair and purple eyes. "I was there last week, and it's open too." the boy turned to the gym "I came all this way ..." he mumbled "Anyway," he turned back to Subaru "I can give you directions if you want,"

"That would be great, thanks,"


As the three of them left Luminous City, Yume was thinking some very unkind thoughts.

Why had it come to this? She wanted to go at it alone and instead she had to travel with strangers. Two of which she did not like.

At that moment all she wanted was to get to Sanatalune City and then never see either of them again,

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