Rain, Rain, Go Away

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"Oh it's such a beautiful day!" exclaimed Yume "It really gets me pumped up!"

"Me too!" Subaru agreed "Look out Anistar City cause the three of us are coming for you!"

"Yeah!" cried Yume

"So the next stop we have to make is Lily-pad Town," said Kanata "We should see it right about ... whoa,"

Three of them looked up. In the distance was a small town and hanging over it was a dark storm cloud that dumped water over it. "Is that the town?" Subaru asked

"Yep," Kanata replied

"Um ... let's go then?" said Yume


Water was being poured by the gallons onto the city, the streets were flooded. The three friends ran and ran until they finally reached the Pokemon Center.

"Oh!" cried Yume "I've never seen rain like this,"

"Neither have I," said Subaru and Kanata

"Here you are," said Nurse Joy as she handed the three of them towels "You better get dry quick,"

"Thank you," They said in unison

"Do you know when the rain will clear up?" Yume asked

"Oh, I don't think it will be as soon as you'd like," Nurse Joy replied "You see, this rain isn't natural,"

"What does that mean?" Kanata asked

"The creature causing this rain is a Milotic,"

"Milotic?" Subaru repeated

"Milotic, the Tender Pokemon. Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding."

"It's been using Rain Dance for a week now," Nurse Joy explained "We don't know why it's angry at us and no one can reason with it,"

"I know Yume could reason with it," said Kanata

"Yeah, you practically speak Pokemon," Subaru added

"Guys no, I can't," said Yume "It sounds like it's kind of dangerous,"

"when have you ever had a problem with danger?" Kanata asked "You can do this in a snap,"

"Yeah, and this town is depending on you," said Subaru

"Oh, no, I wouldn't recommend on doing such a thing," said Nurse Joy

"But ... maybe I could," said Yume

"You shouldn't,"

"Tell us where to find this Milotic!" cried Yume

"Oh dear,"


"Watch your step," said Kanata as the three of them climbed the treacherous mountain in order to reach Milotic.

"I'm trying," said Yume


A gust of wind flew past them. "Oh, I feel like I'm going to fly right off the mountain," Yume told her friends.

"Be careful," was all Subaru could tell her

Suddenly there was a flash of light. But it wasn't lightning. Instead it was -

"Litleo! "

"Litleo!?!" Subaru cried as the small Pokemon was swept off his feet and into Subaru's arms. "What are you doing here?"

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