Summer of Discovery 2

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Why 2? Because that's the name of the episode from Pokémon. FYI


"It's so beautiful!" said Yume as they reached the summer camp. "I've never been to camp before,"

"We know," Her friends replied.

Yume huffed. "Yume!" Someone called. They all looked up.

"Professor Sycamore!" They ran over to great him.

"Hello, it's been a while hasn't it?" he said

"It has," she replied "Oh, these are my friends, Subaru and Kanata!"



"Subaru! I remember you. You came into my lab the same day Yume did!" Subaru nodded "So you're traveling together?"

"We are," he replied "We have four badges each!"

"And we earned them together!" Yume added

"You sound like you're really close," said Sophie

"I guess," said Kanata with a  shrug "But when you spend a lot of time with someone it's expected,"


"This is your cabin," said Sophie "The Chespin Cabin!"

"It's so cute!" said Yume, then she got an idea. "Chespin come out!"

"Ches? "

"Check it out! You can be our mascot!"

"Ches? Ches! Chespin-pin! "

"I think it's gone to his head," said Kanata

"You can get settled here, and there's a meet and greet at the beach so if you want to go there you can. Have fun," When Sophie left Subaru and Yume looked at each other.

"Oh no," said Kanata "Tell me you're not -"

"Race you there!" Subaru cried

And they dashed away. Kanata sighed.

"One day. Just one! With no races, is that so much to ask for?"


The beach was filled with campers, talking, battling, you name it. "Wow, they're  lot of trainers here," said Yume

"Yeah," Subaru agreed "I wonder -"

"Subaru!!" Suddenly Someone wrapped there arms around Subaru, squeezing the air out of him. "Hello!"

"Nice to see you too ... Asahi," said Subaru "Please let go ... I can't breath," Asahi let Subaru go and he took deep gulps of air.

"I'm here too," said Mahiru as she joined them

"Mahiru!" said Yume "It's great to see you!"

"You too. Yozora had to stay and take care of the gym, but she says Hi and congratulations on your second key,"

Suddenly, a loud, piercing sound erupted through the beach. "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!!!"

"I know that voice anywhere," said Kanata

"Laura!" No sooner then they said it, Laura, Lucario, and Meowstic appeared before them.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," said Laura

"It's so great to see you again!" said Yume as she gave Laura big hug.

"You too," said Laura "I saw your latest performance, you really got me going!"

"Thanks! How many keys do you have?"

"Check it out!" Laura held up her key chain "I got all three!"

"Wow, that's awesome Laura. But I need to catch up!"

"Laura is our cabin mate," said Asahi

"So that means we're all rivals!" said Subaru

"Weren't we already rivals?" Laura asked

"Then that means we're camp rivals!"



"So how do you have camp experiences?" Yume asked as the six of them relaxed by the beach. "Do you guys know?"

"Um ... Oh! I know!" said Asahi "There was this one time, at camp, Subaru ate so many meatballs he threw up!"

"Don't tell them that!" said Subaru, then he laughed awkwardly "Don't listen to him, that's not what camp is about!"

"He's was sick for ... the entire day,"

"Asahi shut up!"

"Okay, then why don't you tell me your camp experiences, Subaru," said Yume "Aside from throwing up meatballs,"

"Uh, well ... Oh! Hey Asahi," Suddenly Subaru made a raspberry and Asahi started laughing so hard.

"My pancakes!" he said in a squeaky voice, the two laughed so hard tears streamed from their eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mahiru asked

"Oh, sorry, inside joke," said Asahi

"What about you Kanata?" Laura asked "Any special camp memories,"

"I never went to a summer camp," he replied

"Yay! We share something in common!" said Yume

"And we didn't before?"  he asked

"Well ... um ... we both ... uh ... did we share anything in common before?"

"Uh, no,"


"I don't think so,"

"I don't know you guys that well, so ..."

"What we're we talking about before?" Asahi asked

"Camp memories," Laura replied

"Oh! Then there was this time Subaru ate so many meatballs -"

"You said that already," said Mahiru

"Oh ... " Asahi then made a raspberry

Everyone laughed this time. "Hey," said Laura as she walked over to Subaru "How are your new songs coming,"

"Uh ... not that good, but I got a few ideas,"

"Can I see them?" she asked

"Uh, no,"

"Oh ... are they privet?"

"They're a surprise," Subaru told her

"So privet?"


"Are they about love?"


"They are aren't they?"

"Huh? I'm -"

"Haha! I'm just kidding,"

"Oh - uh ... okay -"

"*gasp* They're about love! Are you in love?"

"What? No!"

"But you have the look!"

"The look?"

"Is it me? If it's me I'll break your heart until it hurts!"

"Ew, no ... Sorry,"

"It's cool. So who else? Aria?"




"Then is it -"

"Enough!" Everyone starred at Subaru. "Uh ... sorry,"

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