The Train Ride

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Hey guys, so ... this is weird, but I including some of you in this story, I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to make this public and hold a contest about it so I just picked four of you to join us in the story. If you weren't included or you didn't want to be included I'm sorry but let me know what you think about this.

"The train station is only a few blocks away," said Kanata as Yume had her arm around him and Subaru (since her ankle still kind of hurt) "But Yume, you're sure you can't walk,"

"Uh ... yes?" she said

Kanata and Subaru separated from her and she stood up. "You are such a dirty liar," said Subaru

"No really! If I slam it onto the side walk -" Yume kicked the ground "OW! See?"

"Yeah, yeah," said Kanata "Let's go,"

The three of them walked the next few blocks then went down a stair case to the underground train station.


Fast forward because getting a train ticket is SUPER boring


The three of them sat next to each other on a crowded train car, the soft rocking of the train making them all feel tired. "I can't wait to get back to Luminous City again," said Yume "Cause then it will be the Kalos League. Yay!"

"I can't wait either," said Subaru "Cause then I'll win,"

"Heh -"

"But I want to battle you," said Subaru "So don't loose before we get our battle. Then we can solve one of the greatest questions in the story,"

"Yeah," said Yume "Who would win in a battle, you or me?"

"Me," They said in unison

"I'm not excited," said Kanata "I have to go into Foster Care after the league,"

"Right, I forgot," said Yume "Maybe you'll get someone nice,"

"Pssh! Let's stop talking about it," said Kanata

"Sure," said Subaru


Time past and the three of them got more and more tired. As the the car got more and more empty. then when the car was almost empty with only three passengers (them) they were asleep with their heads leaning on each other.

But then the train stopped and five more riders got in.

"And here we are ladies," I said "Like I said, here you are,"

"Wow!" said MasqueradeFairytale "It feels so strange to be in someone else's fan fiction,"

"Yeah," sach216 agreed "And ... no offense, why are we here?"

"I thought it would be fun," I told you - er - them. (sorry)

"Aw, look at them sleep," said em-rose as we sat across from them "It's so cute! Where's my camera?"

"Here, you can borrow mine," said starlightroyal123


"Hey, could we watch the league together?" Masquerade asked "Cause that would be cool!"

"Of course," I told her "I have a VIP box, you know, since I'm the writer and all,"

"Awesome!" said sach

"But ..."

"Uh, oh," said starlight "What's the but?"

"I might not be able to write us in the story,"

"Aw, why?" Emma asked

"Well, it's just hard, plus I feel bad for those who don't get to," I explained "But maybe we can make a cameo,"

"That would be great, thanks," said sach "Oh, um, Masquerade, are you ok?"

"Yeah, sorry," you - er - she replied "I'm just excited! It was already exciting to know Arthur-sama read my book. Now I'm in his book,"

"You can just call me Leo," I said

"Ok," she said with a squeal

"Hey, will they wake up if we talk to much?" starlight asked

"Not if you don't want to," said Leo "See this?"

"What is it?" asked Emma "It looks like a shiny pencil,"

"That's because it is a shiny pencil, it's what I use to write the story," I explained "Whoever wields the pencil controls the story,"

"Cool," said starlgiht "Could I borrow it for just a -"

"Are you going to make them kiss?"

"... maybe,"


"Aw! Why?"

"Can I borrow it?" sach asked

"No, only I can have it!"

"Aw, you're no fun," said Emma

Suddenly the train let out a screech.

"Is this our stop?" Masquerade asked

"Better believe it," I said "Let's wake them up,"

To be continued ...

BTW I have a cousin named Emma XD

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