Chapter 5

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"Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back you scurvy braggarts! You rogues!" Sir Cadogan whipped his sword with pride

"He's barking mad!" Seamus exclaimed.

The Gryffindors found themselves – once again – stranded behind the doors of their common room, but this time, it wasn't because of Sirius Black, but because of their new port-keeper – Sir Cadogan.

"What'd you expect? After what happened to the Fat Lady, non of the other pictures would take the job." Dean Thomas frowned. He really needed to get inside now.

"But he keeps changing the password. Twice just this mornig! I've taken to keeping a list." Neville added.

Pissed of waiting, Carina pushed herself up to the top of the stairs and glared at the knight in the portrait.

"Dingallo." Carina said the password.

"Wrong password my dear." Sir Cadogan shook his head.

"Open with blood door or I will. Dingallo." Carina sneered. Her glare intensified at the Knight.

"Eyes of the devil..." the Knight whispered, remembering the Fat Lady's words. Not a moment later, the Knight let out a squeak and opened the doors. Carina entered the common room and made her way up to the girl's dorms and left a group of intimidated Gryffindors.

"I knew she was scary, but not that scary." Dean said.

"She even made Sir Cadogan piss himself." Ron said in awe.


Carina sat at the Gryffindor table with Roman, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry, Ron and Roman were busy doing their last minute assignments for Divination, Hermione busied herself with mountains of homework (that confused Carina, seeing that the girl had twice the load of a third year student), and Carina was reading about Animagi in her Transfiguration book – her favorite subject, next to Astronomy.

"I didn't know you take interest in turning to an Animagus."

The foreign – yet familiar – voice caught the group's attention. Standing behind Carina was the last person they expected.

"Cedric Diggory." The Hufflepuff held out his hand for Carina to shake.

"I – I ..." Carina stuttered. Behind her, Harry, Ron and Roman couldn't help but snicker at Carina's inability to speak.

"Carina Black, right?" Cedric asked.

"Y-Yes." Carina said.

"Rebecca asked me to return this to you." Cedric handed Carina her personal Astronomy book, "Sorry if it took awhile, I kind'a skimmed a bit when she asked me to give it back."

"I-It's fine, really." Carina said, "Do you want to borrow it?"

"I'm good. Thanks." Cedric said. There was a pause. "You know, you could always ask Professor McGonagall about being an Animagus."

"I don't know... it's really advanced magic – even the most advanced wizards had a hard time to even be one." Carina sighed.

"Then I'm sure it won't be hard for you." Cedric smiled.

Hermione and Roman rolled their eyes at Cedric's flirty – as Roman put it – comment.

"I guess?" Carina blushed.

Cedric smiled, "I'll see you around, Carina."

"You too." Carina waved at the Hufflepuff boy and watched him walk back to his group of friends and out of the Hall. Carina's gaze then turned to the Hufflepuff table and saw Rebecca Barnes smile at her genuinely and gave her a wink.

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