Chapter 28

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Four weeks have passed and none of the adults came out of the meeting, but for Mrs. Weasley, who cooked for them all and cleaned a bit. It was bad enough for the teenagers — who had spent most of their time playing fetch with Carina and Roman or cleaning the rest of the house—that they were kept in the dark of all that was happening and not allowed to tell Harry of what was happening, what was worse was when Snape came to the house.

Carina remembered it very well when Snape came to their door. It was Kingsley who answered the door, and she and the other Weasley kids, Hermione and Roman went to see who just came. Snape – of course – gave didn't bother to hide his scowl when he saw them -- or her – but what was worse was when he and Sirius came face-to-face, it was obvious that the two men despised each other, but had to get along for the Order and for Harry. But what ticked her off was when he would hear the man talk about how he was risking his life out there whilst Sirius stayed in the house.

"Did you see the look that Sirius gave Snape?" Ron chuckled.

"Tell me about it – it's like they're choking each other in their minds." Fred chuckled

"Or actually choking each other with a spell." Georoge snickered.

"If Snape even thinks cursing my father, I'm going to have Slytherin arse for dinner." Carina muttered.

Fred, George, Roman and Ron stopped on their tracks and glanced at each other, pale-faced and gulped at Carina's anger.

The Order was finally given orders to retrieve Harry. The people involved in the mission were Lupin, Tonks, Moody, Kinglsey, Alric Alston, Tom Goldstein then some people that Carina had not met in the names of Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance, and Hestia Jones. They all left Grimmauld Place with their brooms, but even when they left, the other members of the Order stayed in the dinning room with door open.

Carina caught her father's eye and gave him a small smile; Sirius did the same to her and nodded her to go back to their room.

"Off you go!" Molly told them, "Back up stairs!"


It didn't take long for Harry and the others to arrive. But when he did, he saw Sirius in the meeting arguing with someone. Mrs. Weasley immediately blocked the view of the meeting and had him go up stairs where Ron and the others were. Harry entered the room that he was directed to and was immediately tackled by Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione gasped.

"Let him breathe, Hermione." Ron chuckled.

After Hermione, Carina went to hug Harry shortly. From the top of the wardrobe, Hedwig came down and landed gently on Harry's shoulder. Harry greeted his owl and stroke her feathers.

"She's been in a right state." Ron said, "Pecked us half to death when she brought your last letters, look at this –"

Before Ron could even show his finger to Harry, Roman stepped on him, he sensed that Harry was not in a joking mood.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." Harry said bitterly, "But I wanted answers, you know..."

"We wanted to tell you Harry," Carina said, "But Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you." A bit of bitterness was heard when she mentioned the Headmaster.

"He seemed to think it was best." Said Hermione.

"I think he thought you were safer with the Muggles –" Ron said.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows, "Have either of you been attacked by dementors this summer?"

"Well no." Ron said. "But that's why he's had people from the Order of the Phoenix tailing you all the time –"

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