Chapter 56

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Hogsmeade weekend came and Carina was spending that weekend with Harry, Ron and Hermione, since Roman had Quidditch practice, and Theodore promised to go with his Slytherin friends. Carina had wrapped herself in her warmest jacket and wrapped her scarf around her neck, she eve put on a beanie over her head because of the snow outside.

"Where's Roman?" Harry asked.

"Quidditch practice." Carina sighed.

"And Nott?" Ron asked, he had a disgusted look when he mentioned Theodore's name.

Carina turned to Ron with a raised brow.

"Got a problem with me being friends with Theodore, Ron?" Carina asked.

"Only that he's dad is a Death Eater." Ron muttered.

"Well he's not his father, is he?" Carina answered back.

"Okay!" Hermione interjected, placing a boundary between them. "Ron, we have no say on who Carina is friends with." Carina smirked smugly when Hermione went to her side. "But, we still have to be careful, Carina." It was Ron's turn to have smile smugly.

"You don't even know him." Carina muttered.

"Exactly." Hermione said, "We don't know him... that's why."

Just as Carina was to open her mouth, Harry saw Slughorn by the Three Broomsticks, he was inviting Flitwick for some butterbeer, but the Ravenclaw Head had made an excuse to avoid the man.

"Who's up for a Butterbeer?" Harry asked.

The four of them entered the Three Broomsticks, just as she, Hermione and Ron were going to sit at the clean and acceptable table, Harry had told them to sit where he had pointed at a table that the previous sitter had left a bit of a mess.

"I prefer this table." Carina muttered to Hermione as they went to where Harry was.

Just as she was going to sit at the chair across Harry, Harry had told her to grab a chair at the neighboring table and had her sit at his other side – or Hermione's other side. Carina was about to ask about his very peculiar attitude –


Carina turned and saw Theodore just walked in to the Three Broomsticks. Alone.

"Theodore?" Carina asked. "I thought you went with your friends."

"Well, they thought about being idiots today and went wanted to get a closer look of the Shrieking Shack." Theodore shrugged.

Carina noticed that Theodore kept on looking around the vicinity and was about to ask about it when he cut her off.

"Want some Butterbeer?"

"Sure." Carina said.

"Come on, my treat." Theodore said, leading her to the clean table where she, Ron and Hermione were about to sit at.

"That's the first." Carina said, "I'll sit with you then."

She sent Harry a look, which Harry rolled his eyes at and sighed. He was only doing that so Slughorn could see him – it was a job that Dumbledore gave him!

"And there were three." Hermione sighed.

"I just asked her to sit beside you." Harry said. "Is that too much to ask?"

When Carina and Theodore's Butterbeer came, they both drank it in silence. Carina noticed that Theodore kept on looking around; she placed down her Butterbeer and went to tap Theodore at the shoulder.

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