Chapter 63

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Apparition classes were a real head-scratcher, Carina had a bit of difficulty with Apparition, she was sure that she got splinched since she lost a huge chunk of her hair, that her long black locks that once reached the middle of her back now was chopped to shoulders. It was Harry who saw the huge loss of her hair and told her about it ("Carina, don't freak out..." Harry said, "Why?" Carina asked, "But your hair... I think you lost a chunk of your hair." Harry pointed at her hair. "WHAT?").

"Leave it, Carina." Roman sighed.

"My hair." Carina pouted as she tried to fix her hair, "It took me years to get it that long."

"It looks good on you Carina." Hermione said, trying cheer up Carina with her loss of hair.

"Short hair really suits you." Harry said, trying to cheer her up.

"But I love my hair." Carina said.

Carina sighed as she rested her forehead on Roman's shoulder.

While they were there, Harry informed the three of them of what Dumbledore had recently showed him in their private lessons. I surprised Carina that the new Potions Master had something to do with the Dark Lord's "darkness" – or, rather, the idea of him being powerful, but the thing was, they didn't know what the Dark Lord had told Slughorn, and according to Harry (that came from Dumbledore), Slughorn had tampered with his memory, meaning that Harry had to get the real memory from the man himself.

"What do you plan on doing then?" Carina asked.

"I don't know... but I have to think of something." Harry said.

"Get him drunk." Roman said.

Hermione, Carina and Harry gave Roman a look.

"What?" Roman asked, "It worked on my cousin once – we got him really drunk and we got him to do loads of hilarious things, even got him to spill really dark secrets."

"I wonder how are you related to McGonagall." Hermione said.

"Hey!" Roman said.

"No wonder you got sorted to Slytherin." Harry said.

"What does that mean?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow at Harry.

"Nothing." Harry shook his head. "So... how? Got any ideas?" his eyes looking at Carina and Roman.

"Why are you looking at us?" Carina asked.

"Because you two are the only ones that actually know what to do..." Harry said, "You two get to get away in almost everything you do."

"We get detention." Roman said.

"And cost us House points." Carina said.

"Still, you might know what to do..."

"I don't know... I don't know Slughorn personally so I don't really know what to do." Carina said.

"I still stand in getting him drunk. It would really help... get him vulnerable... let him talk about the most touching memory he had – probably about his favorite students – then use that to guilt-trip him... then tada!" Roman said.

Hermione, Carina and Harry stared at Roman with a bewildered look at their faces.

"You really had that thought through, didn't you?" Hermione said.

Just as Carina were to give a remark at Roman, Ron and Lavender came to the Hall. Lavender clung to Ron for life. Carina and Roman made a disgusted look, Harry had a blank face, he didn't really know what to do or what to react, and Hermione, she glared at the two, she gathered her things from the seat, then left the table.

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