Chapter 12

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Carina woke up a bit too early than they were supposed too. She was the first to get to the bathroom and the first to get dressed. She shook Ginny from her bed, waking them from their sleep. Hermione went out to wake up the boys.

"Wake up!" Carina said.

"It's too early." Ginny said.

"Come on, Gin', it's Quidditch World Cup day!" Carina said.

Satisfied with Ginny getting up from bed, she went to the boys' room and woke up the closest boy to the door: Roman.

"Rome, wake up. Wake up, Rom! Wake up!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Roman said, getting up, his curly auburn hair messy. He glared at Carina, but Carina just gave him a smirk. "You didn't choke didn't you?"

Roman rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, showing Carina the Mandrake leaf he had kept in his mouth for the past one-hundred sixty-eight hours.

"You?" Roman asked.

"Nope." Carina showed him the leaf. "Now, get up! And don't go back to sleep!"


The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Carina and Roman walked half-awake through the woods. They had no idea where they were going, apart from Mr. Weasley – who was the only one who knew where.

"Where are we going, Dad?" Fred asked.

Carina held on to Roman's backpack, her head down as she walked like a zombie, depending on Roman to direct her to the path. The adrenaline earlier was lost, and now she walks half-asleep.

"You better close that mouth of yours, 'Rina, you don't want to catch flies – or drop the the leaf." Roman told Carina.

"I'm up!" Carina shot up and walked beside Roman. "Just give me your bag, I'll carry it, then you carry me on your back."

"Ha. Ha. No." Roman told her.

"What kind of friend are you?" Carina whined slouched beside him.

"The best." Roman smirked.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

Two tall figures came from the other side of the hilltop.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley greeted the older man. He shook the man's hand then turned to introduce him to the children.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

Cedric Diggory smiled at the crowd. Carina blushed at the presence of Cedric, she did her best to hide it but Roman saw her blush and rolled his eyes at her. It was always the same when she was around Cedric Diggory.

"Hi." Cedric said, looking at them all.

Everybody said hi back except Fred and George. They never quite forgiven Cedric for beating their team in the first Quidditch match of the previous year.

Amos Diggory and Mr. Weasley started to talk to each other, discussing about their long walk and the portkey they were to find. Then his eyes trailed at Harry and that conversation turned to boasting his son on catching the Snitch before Harry. Cedric would tell his dad over and over that Harry fell off his broom that it was an accident. But Amos continued with boasting his son.

Fred and George, and Roman rolled their eyes at the man.

Cedric then walked beside Carina, the two talked as they followed Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley to where they were supposed to go. Behind them Roman walked along side Harry and the others, they glared and looked in disgust at the sight of Carina talking and laughing with Cedric Diggory.

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