Crescent 1: The Forerunners!

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Dedicated to every struggling soul on His path...


"We are travellers on the spiritual path to attain the Truth.

One day we will pass the means that we have today or they will be taken away from us.

If we fail to utilize these opportunities, we will ultimately regret the lost days and the lost chances."

-Islam, Spirit and Form[Osman Nuri Topbas]



“So now you know, what are you going to do about that?!!” Arkaan bawled, his wild dashing green eyes, glinting bright as emerald stones. Under the moonlight, they shone even more spectacularly. But these eyes contained defiance, and a bit of heretical air!

To anyone looking, it was obvious from his hardened eyes that he had undergone much suffering to the point where he was broken – he felt no fear for what happened next in life. He was one conceding with the many vicissitudes of life.

The man in his prime age, looked at the boy whose heart seemed to defy all faith and authority of any kind – eyes that seemed to have battled fate to win the good things in life and had failed. Eyes, seemingly yielding to the treachery of life and yet, ..also did not.
He was broken, suffering..

Such sorrow.

The pale moon looked down on Earth, its ancient radiance bearing on all below. It seemed to empathize with the young child, and wish his salvation. The soft grass glowed an amazing green to match the boy's defying eyes. Everything was silent, except for the occasional breeze that blew through the dense trees surrounding the two in the glade.

The scenery was one, the two – scholar and deviant youth, would never forget. The scholar looked up at the pale moon like a withered stalk of grass, his hands held behind him like how he normally stood before his class of young students, all filled with the zeal to learn new knowledge in all kinds of art and language, all sciences of the universe, the holy scriptures, the teachings and traditions of the prophets.

These children would sit in the circles of learning, their hearts found peace and contentment in the remembrance of Allah. Gathered, their hearts filled with love for one another, they competed in memorizing the holy books, especially the verses of the Qur'an, – discussing and contemplating on a myriad of issues, seeking enlightenment and guidance... increasing in faith as they listened attentively to the verses of Allah.

Yet, here was this child he had just met. Even though he hid it well, for one who had experienced much on his travels, the scholar could easily discern the sorrow in the boy's eyes. It was quite a rare and unfathomable type.

“What is the purpose of all life?...” The man asked, still looking at the pale moon. The question sounded rhetorical, as if the man himself was searching – yet had found the answer. It contained that sigh of asking and yet, having understood all there is to understand. But Arkaan was caught off guard. He did not expect this reaction from the man. He opened his mouth to give an answer. Of course he had been repeatedly told the answer by his mother whenever he asked. It was like something he was supposed to memorize, though he didn't yet fully understand, and questions plagued his mind, especially on human suffering.

But just as he opened his mouth, the man looked down at him, his eyes filled with the warmth of a teacher for his student. It immediately made Arkaan to feel free and at peace, for it contained the feeling of trust and hope that a teacher had for the bright future of his pupil. It gave the feel of when his father used to look at him in the past, eyes warm and filled with kindness and love – like he would watch him grow all the remaining years of his life.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now