Crescent 17: Ikrâm opens the doors of hearts(4)

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"Hmm..,"You don't want to leave this neighbourhood because you fear a child! - was what he wanted to say, but, having decided against it,"Okay. Fine. I understand you. I might have done the same if they were someone out there scary enough."

"But if you guys really want someone to talk to, I'm always around ya know. Who knows, I may be even able to solve your problem of the scary child for you."Arkaan looked at them, with meaning in his eyes.

The boys smiled back at him with gratitude,"You don't have to worry, Elder brother Arkaan. We'll get through it, nothing ever lasts for long after all."

Such wise kids, Arkaan smiled back. It was really fun being a kid. They had such weird problems that made life seem a little less serious, and a bit more bearable to live with.

"Okay. Then I'll be off then. I've quite a lot of things to do today, so I'll not be able to accompany you to have fun."

The boys looked at Arkaan sadly. It seemed they really did enjoy his company, and didn't want to part with him.

Seeing their expressions, Arkaan was touched,"But you see--- If you really wanna have fun. Why don't you join me in spreading this."He had the coloured cards outspread before him, a grin reaching his ears.

"But you don't have to do it, if you don't want to."He added after feeling that he was taking advantage of them.

"We'd love to help!"They said excitedly,"We've nothing to do anyways."

Arkaan was beaming with joy all over. Things would go much faster than he had expected, and he'd have the chance to collect the honey earlier than he could have ever hoped for.

"What is it that you want us to do, Elder brother Arkaan?"Humayd said, all the more righteous kid.

Arkaan smiled, removing more coloured papers in a beautiful display in front of them.

Within the next ten to fifteen minutes, Arkaan was on his way, out of the neighbourhood, humming all the while, a satisfied smile on his face.

It was when he got to the end of the line of houses in the neighbourhood that he realized one house he had not visited.
It was Khalid's house.

He stood for a while, having second thoughts whether or not to go in. After a while though, he mastered courage and entered through the front gate.

After ringing the bell outside for a while, a young maid opened the door,"Who is it?" But upon seeing the young boy standing right in front of the door, she held her breath. He was stunning.. Who was this stunning guy who had walked up to their door.

Arkaan didn't know what to do when he saw the girl's reaction. Normally, even though he was quite the handsome guy, girls wouldn't usually show this open daze in front of him.

How she was ravaging his looks was quite disturbing, and made him shy. He knew he had good looks but to be stared at like that, made him quite bashful. He instinctively scratched the back of his head. Just then, he remembered what might have been the problem.

It was the kohl he had applied to his eyes that morning.

Earlier in the morning, he had found Ukashah's kohl container, and had asked if he could use some. Ukashah had declined at first, but had later on given him a new one, - all for himself. He excitedly kept it on, only to receive compliments from the old lady and even pokerfaced Ukashah at breakfast.

"Uh-umm"Arkaan cleared his throat. The girl lowered her eyes, quite ashamed.

"I came to look for Khalid, is he around."

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now