Crescent 22: Echoes from the past(1)[Sisters of the alley]...

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"God is with the broken-hearted. When your heart breaks, it's a good thing - the breaking of the heart is what opens it up to the light of Allah. The dunya is designed to break your heart, to crush it."

-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


"Ahhhhhhhhh..."A shout rang out in the open void, disturbing the peace.

It was darkness all around but there was a lonely figure in pain, assaulted on all sides by memories.. memories he didn't want to remember.

This place was a mental darkness, and a soul was present within, struggling for itself.

The lonely soul looked up in despair and pain, filled with regret.

"Emeralda.."Arkaan murmured, almost as if his very soul had left him.

He could still remember her saying,"I came into your life first.., but you left me as soon as you found her.

You left me ruined...

How do you think your newfound Lord would deal with you.

If there's really divine justice in this world, you'd never be with her!

Not forever..

and even if you were to be together, you'll never be happy."

Arkaan remembered the girl who was his first true friend from the alley. One he had disappointed in friendship just because he had been misled by others.

In this world, she was my greatest sin..

Arkaan thrashed about in this void.

He held his head in agony as tears spilled incessantly from his eyes like a river from a broken dam.

He was in intense distress as the memories assailed him.

"Arkaan, let's go and play.."The girl's green eyes looked dolefully at him.

"She was innocent!!"Arkaan murmured.

"She was innocent!!"He shouted out into the abyss but no one heard him.

He was pleading profusely. Pleading that someone should rescue him from that darkness.

How long has he tarried here. How long has he not regretted his sins. Everyday every night, he had been tormented.

For the past years since he left Tâ Hâ, he had thought he had escaped it but all had come back running to him.

At that time, before he met Ibn Al Iskandarī, he was with them.


"Father, where are you going?"

He smiled at Arkaan, tousled his angry hair."I'll be back, soon. Don't worry."

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora