Crescent 27: Hâ Mîm|Chronicles of the Boy Saint|

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Ha, Meem.

'Ayn, Seen, Qaf.

Thus has He revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and to those before you - Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

Ash-Shûra, 42:1-3


Feeling around for one of the melons, he grabbed one big one lying around. These were easy to locate due to their being widely present all around the woman's stall.

Urwah moved to help him, seeing him struggle to carry it.

"Urwah"He said lightly, trying to hold his companion's hand.

"Please take me to the stage for the sales.."

Urwah led him to the chair and table, upon which was set several melons. With Ukashah making way for him, he was guided to take the seat, the melon placed right in front of him.

A collective gasp resonated in the crowd when his shawl lowered a bit, it seemed as if everyone had sucked in a breath.

Seemingly oblivious of his effect on the crowd, he proceeded to address the crowd,"Indeed.. As you can see, I've been blind since I was young..But my grandmother has always strived to help me.

I also didn't get the chance of meeting waalidî(my birth parents)."

At this, the crowd grew dense with palpable emotion. Some even sighed. Such a blessed youth, and yet he experiences such calamity right from birth! In their hearts, they called on the mercy of the heavens.

"Respected elders, is it right for such rumours to be spread about an old woman and her grandson? Ones who're only trying to make a living in this big wild world, where the agniyaa'u(rich) only grow richer, while the fuqaraa'u(poor) continuously live in poverty."

His tone lowered deeply,"I'm yet young and I know so little, so forgive me for my inexperience. But for the most of my life, I've learnt that everyone is facing one problem or another.

If we're all in this world, striving to please our Rabb and are mostly living in Hasrat wan-Nadaama (Distress and worry), then surely we should aim to help one another succeed.

If we cannot do even this, what right do we have to claim our having humanity?"

An air of contemplation fell deeply over the crowd. They seemed to offer him the utmost respect!

Even more people began to arrive, when they heard the news about the beautiful youth giving a sermon! The crowd began to grow!

"At least, even if we cannot help others let's not become additional obstacles in their paths towards happiness.

Are we all looking for happiness?

Well then, there's this story jadatî (my grandmother) once told me about an old woman..

Having lost her son, she fell into profound bereavement. Being unable to cope with the grieve, she went to a monk, seeking medicine for her huzn (sorrow).

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