Crescent 11: Halaqât are diverse!(1)

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Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. Alhamdulilaah, this is another chapter; I hope you enjoy it. I've already added a picture of what comes to mind for the 'Sky Legacy Haven'( although in a bigger style, and with the breathtaking nature Royals would like to present, even in their efforts to make things simple :-D ) in the previous chapter. In shaa Allah, so we can all have an idea of it; but if your imagination is wild, I'd say stick to it. Why not?!


"Lughatul-Arabiyyah, Tilâwah, Tajweed, Tahfiz with Murâjah, and Tafsir...That's basically what you guys would be teaching and learning in your Qur'an study circles, considering the knowledge of Zakariyya and Ukashah. That's only as far as you guys can go, that's if you were to revive your halaqah without a scholar to the level of Sheikh Inaayat."

A man in his midforties said, in all seriousness. This man had eyes that shone like stars, profound eyes that looked archaic and wise, yet his dignifying countenance looked younger than his actual age.

Clad in his extremely white garbs, coupled with a full dense beard that had a few white strands interlaced, this man possessed a charisma that would attract people's attention, and make anyone want to listen to and obey him!

He was generally a very tidy man, clever-looking, with an impressive countenance.

Perfume seemed to exude from his person to fill the room in which he was. He radiated a sense of Hikmah(sagacity) and sabr(patience). This gave him a domineering and profound aura without even trying, one that would distinguish him wherever he went.

Arkaan sat crosslegged, facing this elderly man, with awe and reverence clearly written on his face as he listened intently. He seemed to have forgotten that the elderly man was not the only one in the room.
Even all the Al Maghribi brothers, seated around the sufrah, were listening intently to their father, Hajj Ya'qûb as he spoke on halaqât. The food was getting cold...

"Perhaps, when you resume school, you could also reform the halaqât there, which form a part of your extracurricular activities. You'd then have a chance to participate in the Inter-High School Qur'an Musâbaqah!" Hajj Ya'qûb said, a light shining in his eyes.

The kids wouldn't have known what he was thinking, even as he deliberately encouraged them on reviving the Qur'an halaqah, and laid out the plans for them. He loved the Qur'an, and he loved to see the youth dedicate themselves, not only to learning and memorization of it, but also, practising and the propagation of it.
What is the use of learning and memorizing the Holy Book, if one was not going to show a proof of it through the actions, and impact upon others through it!

Thus, it was with all effort and passion that he inspired them," Having a win in such a major provincial event would grant you the qualifications to stand in the Grand Qur'an Ramadan Competition!" By this time, everyone in the room, around the sufrah, had their eyes glistening with fervour at Hajj Ya'qûb's words.

Hajj Ya'qûb laughed in his heart...children will always be children afterall, even his eldest son, Ismail was looking on, with yearn and desire.

But you see, it wasn't their fault afterall, Who didn't know about the 'Grand Qur'an Ramadan Competition'?! - Where all the people from around all seven provincial cities would gather to a grand competition, like the 'Celebration of the Holy Qur'an'!!!

There, great geniuses of Qur'an, who people had only ever heard legends of, would emerge. New black horses, unknown to the world would suddenly appear in challenge. It was a time, the expression 'Passionate celebration of the Holy Scripture' was practically expressed by all the people of Al Qalb-ul-Ard, and even people from beyond, attended. Great dignitaries from surrounding Nations were invited.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum