Crescent 36: Five Prodigies, Three Paragons..

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If you want companions, the Qur'an is sufficient.

Indeed, for in the imagination one meets with the prophets and angels in it, observes the events in which they were involved, and becomes familiar with them...

Bediuzzaman Sa'id Nursi-The Letters..


The silence that followed made the old man turn red as tomato puree.

"But it's true, isn't it, yaa Akhii?"He turned to Arkaan, who shook his head in disbelief.

The boy was simply too frank for his own good. He didn't even think to give the old man face.

When he noticed the boy was going to talk some more, Arkaan ruffled through Abdullah's dyed hair roughly, leaving him disoriented. As the boy was sitting close to him as usual, it was easy to 'attack' him.

Arkaan knew that Abdullah had meant to disturb him by coming to sit close to him, though innocently. However it was a two-way thing, and he was prepared.

After all, he grew up under a tough taskmaster of a grandfather. He wouldn't have survived if he hadn't been naughty.

Abdullah turned towards him with a wronged expression on his face, but Arkaan stuck his tongue out.

Zak shook his head wearily with a slight laugh. Now Arkaan too was behaving like a kid.

Talk about spoiling the mood.. But yh, Abdullah was right.

Naturally, the grading of the domains wouldn't be something that would be accepted under conventional standards for grading and appraising of the reciters.

After all, it was something of the heart..

Zak's thoughts were cut short by the voice of the old man who continued, speaking as calmly as possible. It seemed as though he was unfazed by Abdullah earlier, but the tightlipped smile, said otherwise.

Khidr knew he couldn't allow himself to be done in by a small boy. What would his men say about him after that? Seemingly unabatedly, he said in a revered tone, with a sage-like look on his face, whilst smiling graciously at Abdullah,

"When you ask around, you'd find some answers, and so did I."

Abdullah looked back at the old man, as if confused as to who he was smiling at. Then shook his head.

Whether he showed dissatisfaction towards the old man's answer, or disappointment at his shameless behaviour, was something Khidr would never know.

However, his fake smile half-dropped.

"I'll pass."Arafat said with a yawn, whilst stretching out on the rouge prayer carpets.

Then he noticed the silence outside.

He turned to look through the masjid's floor-to-ceiling coloured windows, hollering with glee,"The rains have stopped!!!"

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