Crescent 7: Hilya's Diary(3)

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"The Qur'an is an immense treasure meant to guide us through darkness
like the stars guide the travellers of the desert."

- Nouman Ali Khan


"What is amazing... the essence of the words which she holds dear is - the Entity Himself!!!

The words only exist to remind she would not forget the identity of that Benevolent Being..."Arkaan contemplated,"her most precious person..."

Even as the girl turned to leave, Arkaan called out,"Who is that Being?...the One who turned to you in flawless grace...your most precious person..."

His eyes looked in askance, sincerely he wished to really know this person. Without any of them knowing it, the saintly girl had already planted the love of this Gracious Being in his heart - flawlessly...

The saintly girl looked at him in pleasant surprise, and sincere praise at him having comprehended her words in just the short while, and extracting the true essence of the profundity. Such comprehension ability was shocking...even to her.

With a faint smile, and yet no less warm, she said,"That Being who turned to me in flawless grace...the most precious one to my Allah, my Rabb and your Rabb!"

As she turned to leave once again, Arkaan called once more."At least for a last time"he thought. He seemed unwilling to depart from the enlightening presence of the heart, as if she could answer all his life's questions perfectly and help him live in peace for all his lifetime.

"My name is Arkaan Ibn Yahya Al Ilyasîn...What is your name?..." His voice contained that sorrow at the time of parting, as if they were eternal childhood friends, who might not meet again. If you look at it, what the saintly girl had taught him in this short while had been something many a time, would elude people and thus, with it - the peace and contentment that came...She had taught him lessons by which if he comprehended, then both worlds would be much easier to transverse... If that was true, then she was really one of the most important people he had met in his life.
"We're travellers in this strange world on a search..." Arkaan remembered Sheikh Inaayat's words. "what are we really searching for..."

The saintly girl turned back to look at him with an amiable smile. A smile she gave perhaps, to only people she acknowledged. She was amazed at the yearning of this boy for good counsel, and spiritual enlightenment. Even though she was very young, there were many like her from where she grew up. There were many like that who grew, seeking knowledge that would help them reach levels of ma'iyyat(closeness to Allah) and maarifah(spiritual realization). It was a quality of only those who sought the path she sought and transversed...

Yet, even as she opened her mouth to answer, she suddenly turned expressionless. She seemed to be trying to remember...
She closed her pale pink lips, noiselessly. Agitatedly, she touched her side. Like a fluttering butterfly, she frantically began searching about her person, as if looking for something important to her. Apparently, unable to find it, she suddenly retreated deep into the forest, retracing her steps before she came. As Arkaan stood up abruptly to stop her from leaving, he noticed she dropped something unknowingly...

He crossed the now dark and serene stream quickly, following his line of sight where the thing had dropped. After searching, he found a beautiful copper key like a charm. Raising his gaze to look for her, he noticed she had long since disappeared... from sight.

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