Crescent 4: "Could it be her..."

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"Ya Allah!

You're my Heavens and my Earth,

So, in all the worlds, I have no other fears except You, my safe Haven..

You're my Laughter and my Tears,
So my happiness and sorrow are all because of You..

The Light, in whom I entrust my hopes and trust, my future...

So now, I can rest assured, for You bear it all... "

–Hilya's Diary


Eight years ago, Arkaan was poor, struggling to live from hand-to-mouth. To even dream of making it in life was a thing he could not dare to do. His life seemed to be already laid out – to live, and die poor, unnoticed, insignificant to the world. No one would even realize when he was gone, just as they never did recognize his existence when he was alive.

During that time, there were three people that did recognize him. The first was the man who became his Ustadh. He would never forget Sheikh Inaayat Ibn Al Iskandarî, who gave his life a whole new meaning,  a reason to live for.
Remembering his Ustadh's words concerning choosing a path, Arkaan declared in his heart:

What I want in life is something that when I possess it, everything else in the world would lose their value in my eyes —wealth, ambitions, grand achievements, and every other thing that has greatness in the eyes of people!

When I possess that thing, it doesn't matter what I do not have in this world. Because in all the worlds, none can compare! –not the most profound goal of life, nor the most supreme achievement of any living thing in all of time!

The second to reach out to him was a girl from his past, a distant memory. He met her about the very time he met his Ustadh. He could still remember the charming smile on her stunning dream-like beautiful face, as she offered him her food from her knapsack. At that time, he didn't know whether it was her extraordinary beauty, or her admirable empathy that captivated him.
He'd never forget her.

Ever since that day, she had left a deep impression on his heart, and he had the intention that he'd marry her someday, if they met again.
It was in this very city of Tâ Hâ.

The third person was even more special..

Now he was back and in shaa Allah, things were going to change for the better.
First was his mother.

He had to find her.

“Are you listening, yaa Akhii...”
Abdullah waved his hands frantically in front of Arkaan's face.

Arkaan cleared his throat, smiling,
“Sure, sure. Go ahead, Abdullah.”He said it ingratiatingly.
For some reason, he suddenly decided to humour the boy. After all, he was grown.

Like this, they made their way to a brightly lit hall. It had modern trends of interior decor with a touch of eastern tastes, giving it an elegant and traditional look.
Most pronounced were the arabesque designs all around.

The first thing to catch Arkaan's attention as they entered the grand hall, was the effervescence of bakhoor, a characteristic Arabian aerosol perfume that had a peculiarity of filling entire rooms with it's powerful aromatic scent.

“Maasha Allah, you're here. Just in time too!”Zak grinned, carrying a wide silver-coloured dish with the most mouthwatering delicacies on it. He took the tray to a carpet spread in the very middle of the hall, Arkaan and Abdullah following in tow.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora