Crescent 10: Silent Tears, Memories of Home...(4)

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Alhamdulilaah, I've made a plus for us all (I've been motivated😊). So, let's sit back and read in serenity. This is a part of the former chapter. The next one, in shaa Allah would be coming, though it would take some more time, but according to our agreed time limit of course, in shaa Allah.

Dedicated especially to Fjhabs who asked for prayers.May Allah make everything easy for all of us, and ease our way to goodness and happiness.


Far within the heart of the mainland, a city was overflowing with life in an amazing and spectacular display of brilliant multicoloured lights, and incomparably sparkling beauty. That night, it was bathed in fragrances and vitality, under the luminous yellow half moon, as usual. This city had the ingenious of human artifice meet with the pure essence of nature in a wondrous splendour, underneath were the people who prided themselves over their nobility and achievements. It was the City of Lights, also known as Madinat-ul-Anwar. It was the capital city of the whole kingdom 'Al Qalb-ul-Ard', and the single most beautiful and vast thriving among the seven provincial cities, the City officially
called An Nûn!

Within this most beautiful large and lively city, to its northmost was the famous incomparable 'Ath-Thurayya". It was an infamous group of seven magnificent architecture representing the Pleiades. One of the seven grand structures was the 'Sky Legacy Haven', which housed the young royals and nobles who came to study various forms of knowledge, art, and skill, even in statesmanship!

The exceptional scholars who taught them, and lived here, were recruited from all over the country and beyond. It was a generally quiet and peaceful retreat, away from the noise of the bustling city even at night.

The buildings here were made of strong and durable fragrant wood, resistant to weather and insects, and it still exuded rich royalty and golden style, elegant and yet simple. The people here lived in their own separate rooms, and yet all the apartments were conjoined, so there was privacy, and yet no one could be too secretive. Also, as people dedicated to learning, in spite of their nobility, all were required by the scholarly elders to be as simple as possible, to check pride and arrogance.

One particular finely furnished building was within a secluded corner among the clusters of conjoined wooden structures. It emitted a lonely aura, and was dark, in contrast to the still light-filled neighbouring rooms, where people were up studying into the night.

Surprisingly, the front door was opened ajar, so one could just walk by and see everything within...
Inside was neat and exquisite, much different from the rooms of others here with books scattered all around. That was another problem, students were prevented from having house helps to assist them. So, those who had no prior training at home, had to suffer and adapt by learning all such things nobility weren't allowed to do.

The furniture within was high quality, with chandeliers and other exotic stuff. Apparently, the person here might have been an exception to some rules against too much royalty. The room-lengthed wide windows were opened, and the curtains raised, facing the open North sky and stretch of forest.

The room was dark from the offed lights. Near the opened grand windows was a finely carved desk and chair made with simplicity, yet in exquisite design. Upon the desk was a stack of books, a vase of flowers, and... an old and neat pocket Qur'an.

A young man exuding a scholarly air, sat on the chair made of high quality solid wood. If one paid close attention, one might discern also with him the golden aura of nobility. And yet, he appeared simple, considering his status.

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