Crescent 19: Heaven's Gathering Clouds..(6)

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"Isn't it obvious!"Arafat felt hilarious,"He's the Snitch!" Indeed, people do recognize their comrades in crime.

At once, everyone understood the story behind what was going on. Abdullah had probably caught the gang stealing the old man's luscious fruits from his backyard, and had threatened them with reporting.

Such a vile way to manipulate his fellow peers! He is literally using their fears against them.

Zak sighed. He was about to say something, when Ukashah caught in.

"Since that's so. You guys have no other choice but to be a part of our halaqah.." He said it so coolly, it felt like something natural anyone would say.

Only, - everyone else's mouth among those seated were left in gaping mode, except of course Abdullah who's smiled had suddenly seemed to spread to the very heavens themselves. I knew he'd support me, Akhii Ukash..

Arkaan was in his stupor. Just how far would Ukashah go in manipulating people, and using them just to form the South district halaqah?!

Was he for real?

Even Zak by this time, had noticed Ukashah's enigmatic tactics. The boy was refined, but actually possessed this slyness to him. How comehe never saw it during the time their Ustadh was around?

He only remembered how Ukashah would bully the notorious boys into submission. But now, this form of bullying was too much especially for it to come from Ukashah.

Seeing Ukashah's placid expression, even after saying what he said, Zak didn't know the difference of crying or laughing anymore. Whilst it was a hilarious case, it was also piteous - for those who were his victims.

With their last hope gone, the boys had no other option but to sit, as the circle was opened wider for everyone to be accommodated.

Soon enough, it was a large circle of about nearing half a hundred. That part of the masjid was actually large enough that, even such a number could still be considered small.

Ukashah later made the boys sit in concentric forms, facing him as he addressed them,

"I know most of you are here with grievances in your hearts, and unwillingness to be here right now.

So I'm going to give you all a time limit. You don't have to be part of this halaqah forever.

It may even come a day when all of you may decide and leave, and - no one would stop you!

But then, I wish to make a deal with you all. If you accept, you'll see that you're on a profitable side, no matter what you choose.

Six days..

Only six days, stay here after every fajr Salah for an hour or two, to learn something of the Qur'an and Sunnah. If after six days, you still wish to leave, then fine. No one would stop you.

Also, whatever strings by which you were chained down here in this halaqah.., we'll gladly help you resolve in an amiable manner.

Just six days. Be punctual and regular, then you'll have your freedom.."

At this, the whole group was silent. Even Arafat was left silent. He didn't know what Ukashah was playing at, but if the jaded boy thought he could permanently entice them to willingly stay in the halaqah within six days, then he was having a wishful thinking.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now