Crescent 16: His Character was the Qur'an!(2)

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"I've two reasons", Arkaan began.

My first answer is from Hilya; my second reason is from - you yourself!

"There was a girl who found something - something that I seek, something that we all seek.."

"Even after losing her memories by no fault of hers, but by Divine Will alone, ..she still continued to trust in the Divine Wisdom of Allah."

"She said;

When everyone had turned away...
You turned to me in flawless grace...

So now I made an oath in my heart,
If ever the world were to turn away from you...
I'll remain by Your side...always - I,

the servant of The Most High!"

"She said this and in a situation, when most people would question the Divine Wisdom and Mercy of Allah." They ask, Are the Heavens blind? ...does Heaven have no eyes to see the predicament of the people and lend a helping hand?'...

"The girl believed she had been given graces more than anyone else. To her, just knowing Allah was enough."

"She found peace and contentment of heart in remembering Him."

"She said, But only those would see the grace, who search for it..."

"Maryam.." Arkaan called to her for the first time, his voice soft, her eyes widened. He asked,"Have you ever wondered...on the opening chapter of the Holy Qur'an..."

This was the very question Hilya asked him, that time..

"My answer lies there. Allah is introducing Himself to us. My answer is simply, - I want to know Allah."

"Know your Lord, so you can worship Him." Maryam murmured, as her heart roamed in the gardens of reflection, assimilating what Arkaan had just said.

"I wish to tread the path to Him. I wish to be close to Him. I want to become one of the Muqarrabûn, those brought near to Him."

"I want to flee to Him. Yet, to transverse this path, I need to know who He is. I need to understand what He's saying to me in His Divine message. I need to know which acts would please Him, so I draw close to Him by doing them."

"I also need to know what He dislikes, so I can flee to Him from them. I wish to speak to Him, and I wish to enjoy His speech tell me about Him, myself, people, the World, and what's beyond it."

"Only by learning the Qur'an, can I know and understand all this. Through reading, I might know what He's saying. Through reciting, I can hear Him talk to me."

"I wish my life would be on a path like hers.

One that spoke of its entirety,

expressing the verse;

'Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil Aalamîn'!

From beginning to end.."

By now Maryam's beautiful eyes had opened wide like saucers. Arkaan's answer was simply beautiful. Whoever that girl was, she had influenced him positively.

"What was her name?"

"Hilya.. Her name was Hilyat-ul-Awliyyah"

"The adornment of the saintly ones." Maryam's voice was light, but it contained nothing but praise and admiration. For Arkaan to have such a reason to learn the Holy Book, she could only but pray he reaches his goal eventually. To walk to the Lord of the Worlds. To become one of His close slaves, one of the Muqarrabûn.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin